Cough recipes with soda

Cough recipes with soda

Modern Farmindustria every year produces more and more funds based on synthetic components designed to save us from cough. At the same time, there are many folk, proven generations of methods to cope with this symptom - more affordable, but no less effective. For example, with the help of conventional food soda, which is in each kitchen.

The mechanism of action of soda when coughing

Cough is a body signal that there is some irritant in the tracheobrichial tree, which you need to get rid of. As such an irritability, the sputum is perceived, which is formed as a result of any pathological process. And if with the elimination of liquid wet by refreshing the body in the forces to cope, then with a viscous wet, he has to help with the help of diluting funds. Soda is just like this. With proper use, it is able to alleviate the withdrawal of sputum from the bronchi during a dry, worst throat cough. Milk is similar, so most popular recipes combines these two products.

Recipe from dry cough with milk and food soda

To facilitate the path of sputum from the bronchi outward, a simple proven tool of the following composition is very effective: a glass of hot milk, a pinch of the table salt, ½ h. soda. All components need to be well stirred until complete dissolution and drink in the evening before bedtime. When cooking milk needs only to bring to a boil, but not boil; The dose of soda cannot be exceeded, otherwise, a laxative effect can be obtained as a side effect from cough. Note that the usual soda solution based on water is also completely able to alleviate cough. Therefore, for the absence of milk, you can treat cough attacks with the help of water composition, where 1 cup of warm water takes 4 times more soda than with milk - 2 h.

Cough Recipe with Soda, Milk and Oil

Very well coped with domestic cough attacks, which contains already mentioned milk and soda, as well as oil and honey. The first tandem dilutes the sputum, and the second - removes irritation and inflammation from the mucous membrane.

In traditional medicine there are many similar recipes, but we chose a couple of the most effective:

  • Cool hot milk (in the volume of 1 cup) to a warm state, add ½ liters to it. soda, 1 tsp. liquid honey and 1 tsp. Melted butter. Good all stir and drink at one time before bedtime.
  • The recipe differs from the first only by the fact that instead of a creamy, add cocoa butter into the mass. This composition can be used even in the fight against bronchitis, since cocoa oil has a powerful antitochematic effect. All ingredients add precisely in warm milk, because some of them (honey in particular) in hot lose their entire strength.


Cough recipe with soda with heavy cough

If the cold has already stepped into the stage of the dragging and pulled the bouts of dry cough, try to calm the throat with the following folk recipe: a glass of warm milk, 1 raw chicken egg, 1 tbsp. l. Sugar, 1 tbsp. l. Honey, 1 tbsp. l. Melted oil, 0.5 h. soda. Mix it well and drink after eating, because the composition is quite satisfying and can escape the appetite.


Inhalation and solutions with soda

Soda can not be used at least effectively with a cold cough, capturing the treatment and upper heights of the respiratory system (nasopharynk, larynx). The optimal version of such comprehensive treatment of colds - inhalation, which can be done even by future mommies. Conduct soda inhalations using any capacity, including kettle. To use the latter, fill in it 200 ml of water, pumped into it 1 tsp. Soda and put on fire. Make out of thick paper cone, and when the therapeutic soda composition will begin to boil, put it on the aut of the kettle and raise fifteen minutes by evaporation. You can make inhalation in a simpler way: in any open container, fill with steep boiling water soda (in the ratio of 1 l to 3 tbsp. L), lean over it (not closer than 30 cm), cover the towel and breathe a soda ferry the same 15 minutes .

As you can see, join the fight against cough attacks, armed with ordinary food soda, very simple, with effectively and safe. You can even choose the most convenient option for your taste. The main thing is not to launch the process of the disease and comply with the proportions of recipes.

Comments leave a comment
Rosalia 03/11/2017 at 9:25

This recipe is familiar to me since childhood, my mother only added a spoonful of honey, but one milk and soda will not be able to cure cough, but as an addition, it is an excellent option. I and now, if the cough, I drink milk with soda before bedtime, and the main treatment is bronchobos, it is well diluted with a viscous sputum and displays it.

Tolik 09/15/2019 at 11:07.

With soda and salt usually, the throat shoulder if the cough is overcome. Excellent microbes kill. But from expectorant drugs like Syrup-Orvis Broncho Timyan. Usually, if you combine two of these funds, the cough passes very quickly ... so it's straight my wand-corrupt)


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