How to stop the cough attack

How to stop the cough attack

Usually, the cough is caused by the organism itself in response to irritation of the mucous membrane in the respiratory organs. Cough can be a reaction to inflammation, for some foreign object, and can become pathology. Short-term cough is not dangerous. He goes quickly. Does not entail the residual effect. The tightening cough can be a symptom of the disease.

When a person begins to cough in the middle of the night, it can last long, because all the processes in the body slowed down. Do not even resume mucus. Consequently, the sputum accumulates. Featives lies without moving. That is why the attacks most often repeated at night. A person must change the situation from time to time.

Sometimes such a cough may be due to bronchitis, but it is also caused by allergies on the fluff, asthma, dryness of air, constant diseases of the respiratory tract. If a heartbeat has a noticeable heartbeat with a cough, problems can be with a cardiovascular system. Night cough soothes with a glass of water brought to bed in advance, before bedtime. It is added preheated to brown sugar.

Another way is the continuous tracking of the condition of the air in the room. Suhes need to be removed using special humidifiers. When coughing helps a decoction of medicinal herbs, such as chamomile, calendula. During allergies, man should take appropriate medicines.

The dry cough occurs more often during a cold. Treat it with the help of folk remedies. So that the dry cough is not irritated to the mucous, you need to drink tincture from the oregano. In addition, it is recommended to cut and brew ginger tea. This plant usually contributes to the throat calms down. Also advised to take Gogol-Mogol to night with the addition of honey instead of sugar.

If you have red wine at hand, you can make mulled wine. For him, it also needs a carnation, a glass of water, ginger, cinnamon, honey and lemon. With prolonged bounces of cough, you need to contact the doctor, otherwise it can grow into a chronic disease. Strong cough is one of those forms that are important immediately to neutralize, after which you should call and call specialists. Honey will stop the attack, if a person periodically dissipates half a spoon of this product.

The tincture of the linden will warm the throat, facilitates the process of swallowing, expand the vessels. Onions, mixed with sugar, are suitable four times a day. From a strong cough, various types of frozen berries are also helping: Raspberry, Lilac, Kalina. Swampped with sugar mixes are put in hot water instead of welding. The patient can drink such tea several times a day. In addition, at the first symptoms of the disease, these drinks will be rescued from temperature.

In addition to folk remedies, the attacks save and mucolyts who are able to sound in the throat of sputum. These include: "Ambroxol", "Bromgexin", "Mukaltin", or ordinary cough pills. Mulcolics are contained in the following herbs: a chamber, sage, eucalyptus, chamomile. They not only eliminate the sputum, but also counteract the process of inflammation in the body. With timely reception of herbal teas you can cure a cold without tablets.

Smokers often dry up in the throat. To calm the irritation, you can use eucalyptus, Doctor Mom, "Gedelix", "Bronarchosan". Folk healers advise drinking mineral water with milk three times every day. If a person is tormented by an asthma attack, you need to try to relax the throat, calm yourself. You can simply take the pillow, and sowing on the chair face to the back, put it on top. After that, make a deep breath and exhalation. Inhaler, it is necessary to purchase an inhaler, as this is almost the only means that will help during an attack.

When the proper effect does not occur, and the patient suffocates from the cough, immediately cause ambulance. Doctors make injections or give pills. The main thing that is needed is not to start the disease further, but to determine its cause and engage in complex treatment.

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Milan 01/12/2015 at 13:26

Suppresses bouts of cough Syrup Prospan. The doctor prescribed me when I didn't know what to be treated.

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Aina. 11/02/2016 at 21:45.

Just with the cough, alternate salt inhalations and the reception of effervescent tablets. He with an extract of ivy leaves, herbal. Helps good wet wet! And my husband is comfortable to carry pills with you.

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Anastasia 10/31/12 at 12:07

I looked at your video, it is interesting whether ordinary sugar will help with cough. I trust more from folk more honey, it is always present in our treatment, we use in a complex treatment complex. From cough bronchobos perfectly helps, he herself took in the form of capsules, noticed that the cough intensity decreased by 2-3 days. But the doctor should inspect.

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Rita 07/11/2019 at 16:13

When the cough bothers, immediately starting Orvis Broncho Ambroxol to take (I take it, because the quality of the proven-Evalarovskoe, and the price is normal), and an additional throat with soda and salt must be assumed. Usually everything quickly passes ... So a long cough is my option))

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