How to cure bronchial asthma

How to cure bronchial asthma

Bronchial asthma is a disease characterized by inflammation of respiratory tract generated by bronchial obstruction. Regular virus infections of respiratory tract, unfavorable ecology, genetic predisposition, constant contacts with aggressive chemicals, evaporation and dust, various allergens, smoking, and dust, various allergens, smoking, etc. can be attributed to the factors that contributes to its occurrence. Could manifest themselves with wheezing, shortness, cough, breast embezzlement, attacks of suffocation. Consider the methods and means of treating bronchial asthma.

With the appearance of symptoms of this disease, do not tighten with an appeal to the pulmonologist, it is fraught with an attack of a threat of life. The more fully the clinical picture is discussed, the more correctly the diagnosis and effective therapy will be raised. When prescribing medicines, the doctor takes into account many aspects - your age, the presence of allergic reactions and related diseases, the profession, the severity of the disease, therefore, for each patient, an individual program and treatment regimen are being developed. Glucocorticoids (corticosteroids) with anti-inflammatory effect are discharged, and bronchopholics to expand the bronchi in the form of inhalations and tablets. The first includes, for example, ingakort, Budesonide, Fluticazone, Intal, Beclomethason, Selo, Toraly, Montelukast. To the second - Salbutamol, Salmetterol, Berothek, Terbutalin, Berodal, Eufillin, Atrovant, Fenoterol, Teopek and others.


After the diagnosis, try to avoid contact with triggers - these are factors provoking the development of the attack of choking. These include, for example, various allergens (pets of pets, dust, etc.), cold, mental and physical overwork, stress, chemistry, sharp odors. Carry out the room in which you are, limiting communication with patients with cold, take a contrasting shower daily. Moderate physical exertion is useful - sign up into the pool, pilates, dancing, yoga. Assure the basics of respiratory gymnastics, including according to the methods of Strelnoye, Papurath, Butyko. Do not abuse salt intake, starch, sugar. Refuse alcohol drinks and cigarettes.


Remember that during an attack after applying the designated drug, it is necessary to take a position sitting or standing, leaning a little forward, legs are recommended to omit in warm water. After that, you are at no less than an hour, do not go. In the absence of drugs at this point, the area of \u200b\u200bthe nose wings area, and rest in the chin with the circular movements. Also simultaneously on both feet massaging points over your knees. To achieve a resistant remission with a given disease, you can resort to acupuncture, osteopathy, speleotherapy, homeopathy, magnetotherapy, inductothermia and phytotherapy, but exclusively coupled with medication treatment.


Additional methods of treatment include traditional medicine. Try such a recipe: connect 20 grams of coltsfoot, pine kidneys, plantain, two tablespoons of this mixture make a half liter boiling water, insist three hours, then strain. Use three times a day for a month of 100 ml before meals. Also get a warm water of 30 drops of the pharmacy tincture of propolis, take 2-3 times a day of a half months. Do not neglect the inhalations of potato ferry for a quarter of an hour. Drink decoction of rosehip, tea from leaves and berries Lilacberry. Scope of the back and chest on the night rub the fresh pork interior lard.


Note that any schemes, methods and means of treating this disease should be coordinated with their attending physician to avoid exacerbation, complications in the form of developing asthmatic status and deterioration of the current state.

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Gena 07/10/2019 at 10:05.

To cure, it will not cure it in any way ... you can only doubt the symptoms. Very often, by the way, the cause of the accuracy of the wet death. He himself suffered. And if everything is sick, "Watch". as they say. Recently, I recently accept Avvis Broncho Ambroxol (it and the price is normal, and the quality is good, Evalarovskoe). Additionally, there were still decoctions at the root of the althea of \u200b\u200bmedicinal drink. The sputum has become much better to depart, it became easier to breathe))


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