How to cure a cold on the lip

How to cure a cold on the lip

The cold on the lips, in other words, herpes is the most common infectious disease. It is usually manifested after supercooling, overheating in the sun or transferred stress, as well as in people suffering from weakened immunity. The first symptoms of manifestation: itching, the rash of bubbles and small yases. With such symptoms, questions arise: what decision to take and how to deal with the disease? There are many ways to treat this disease.

Get rid of the cold will turn out quickly by resorting to the methods of alternative medicine. Going to the pharmacy, ask antiviral drugs for the treatment of herpes, such as: herpevir, penciclovir, phambyclovir, acyclovir and zovirax. You can buy medicines without a recipe.

Mazi Apply immediately, when the first symptoms appear, up to five times a day. Apply the drug to the affected skin. It is worth noting that the components of these drugs are not absorbed into the blood, respectively, you can use pregnant and nursing breasts to women.

Tableted antiviral drug acyclovir, Herpevir Take 1 tablet 4 times a day, but first consult your doctor or read the instructions.

If you prefer folk treatment techniques, then use the following tips:

  • The affected place can be lubricated by freshly squeezed juice of garlic, onion or scarlet juice. Select an effective actant tool that is suitable for you.
  • Very good tool that you always have at hand - this is a toothpaste with a drying effect.
  • Valokordin, Corvalol or ordinary alcohol dried very well enough. Just moisten a cotton swab and attach to the infection spot for a few minutes. A slight burning appears, which goes soon.
  • In the eggshell, we separate the thin film, apply it to a segment covered with herpes.
  • Cut, flies of raspberries need to be hot water, crushed to the state of the casher and apply to the lips several times throughout the day.
  • The tincture of propolis is also used to be causing bubbles, after which lubricated with softening cream.
  • Miraculous remedy - fir oil, it is good to lubricate the affected sections of herpes, to spend the procedure in the evening before bedtime.

You can never mask the affected areas with powder and creams, since substances included in the composition of cosmetics can contribute to an increase in the amount of viral infection, and the recovery process will be long. In no case do not pierce water bubbles and do not cross the crusts that appear, wait until they disappear.

Choosing a treatment method, you need to remember the elementary rules of personal hygiene. Try to eat regularly, take vitamins, because your immunity needs protection and support.

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Irina 03/25/2015 at 1:56.

The best remedy for colds on the lip - azithromycin from replinfarm. This is the cheapest of all azithromycin manufacturers. It is enough 1 tablets, I personally have a lip tumor after 1-2 hours.

To answer
Valentina 05/12/2015 at 10:12

And what to do in case the pills from herpes I do not drink? Honestly, I saw herpes and worse, I have a few bubbles of small and all. I will give them to the infohal, quickly heals the wounds. The main thing is, do not burst, do not pierce herpes, and do not touch him with dirty hands. Wiper vitamins help the body to deal with viruses. You can drink courses.

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