How to treat cold on the lips

How to treat cold on the lips

Transparent bubbles with a crust on the lips, we often call the cold. In other words, this is the manifestation of herpes virus in our body, the carriers of which almost all adult population on Earth.

Causes of the appearance of a cold on the lips

The virus, restrained by immunity, exists in our body for years. The following reasons can be facilitated by its manifestation:

  • diseases in which immunity is significantly reduced, but the virus can manifest itself under normal cold;
  • overheating or supercooling of the body;
  • experienced stress;
  • poisoning;
  • abuse of bad habits (alcohol, cigarettes);
  • poor food and exhausting diets;
  • overwork;
  • the beginning of the menstrual cycle;
  • air-drip infection.

Symptoms of colds on the lips

In more than 75% of cases, at the first hit in the body, the herpes virus does not show itself and detect it only when the blood test is surrendered. In other cases, the virus begins to multiply quickly and manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • the very first - itching, burning and pain in the field of lips;
  • in a few hours, redness and formation of bubbles filled with transparent liquid;
  • for several days, blades of bubbles - the most dangerous period, during it you are more contagious for others;
  • the formation of ulcers and coating with a crust.

With the above symptoms, the temperature can increase, slightly increase the lymph nodes on the neck, weakness, pain in the joints.

Treatment of colds on the lips of medical drugs

Modern medicine offers a large selection of antiviral drugs for the treatment of herpes symptoms. The most effective are considered:

  • Acyclovir.
  • Zovirax.
  • Valtarex.
  • Florenal.
  • Bonafon.
  • Thromantadine.
  • Gerrex.
  • Miramistin.
  • Zinc ointment.

These drugs are lubricated by the Pott-struck by herpes several times a day.

Do not heal the cold on the lips with green, iodine or alcohol. You will only get a dry effect, and the herpes virus will not disappear and there is a risk of getting a burn.

Treatment of colds on the lips of folk remedies

If at home did not turn out to be medicated, the cold on the lips can be treated with proven folk remedies. They do not have antiviral actions, but at the same time they can significantly alleviate the symptoms and speed up the healing of yasels.

  • Food soda and salt - stop inflammation and accelerate the healing of the wound. Crupins are applied several times a day to the inflamed area.
  • Toothpaste - effective at the first herpes symptom. Heats and disinfect.
  • Fir, almond, sea buckthorn oils - are applied to the wound every 2-3 hours. Accelerate the healing process.
  • Lemon juice, calanchoe juice, aloe juice, Osin leaves juice - fresh juice lubricate blisters to dry.
  • Garlic - rubber rolling and lubricate with garlic juice.
  • Aloe - a piece of plants purify from the skin and apply to the affected place for 20 minutes. Accelerate the healing process.
  • Honey is applied to the resulting crusts for softening and preventing cracking.

Prevention of colds on the lips

Many mistakenly believe that in contact with herpes once, there will be no re-illness. Herpes is inflated and better to prevent the disease than subsequently engage in its treatment.

  • Bring a healthy lifestyle.
  • Strengthen your immunity.
  • Fit balanced and take vitamins.
  • Do not overheat in the summer in the summer and try not to allow hypothermia during the cold season.
  • Wash your hands with antibacterial soap as often as possible.
  • Try not to contact with Herpez sick.
  • Use a separate dishes if a member of your family fell ill.

Regardless of the choice of a cold treatment method on the lips, be sure to visit the doctor and get professional advice.

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