The windshield is the result of a separate variety of herpes virus on the human body. As a rule, it is transmitted by air-droplet and applies to blood. Characteristic blisters can cover outer skin and some internal organs (mucous membranes, bladder, ureter, pancreas, stomach, etc.)
The victims of the chickenpox usually become children of 1-8 years. But there are no cases when the windmill is sick and in conscious, adult age. After a disposable suffering of the disease, the body produces antibodies that provide immunity in the future. The first three days to determine the windmill is almost impossible. The general condition worsens, the body temperature rises, fatigue and lubrication appears. In fact, the symptoms are similar to most viral infections. Signs of chickenpox are tracked only for 3-4 days. Adult man suffers a little worse than a child. Often, the windmill accompanies encephalitis or other types of complications. That is why it is better to transfer such a disease in a lying position. Bed regime, as it is impossible, will speed up the process of safe recovery.Concentrated soap baths dry the skin (and with it and blistering), which reduces itching and the risk of infection. The change of bed and underwear should be carried out at least once a day.
It is clearly no secret that it is impossible to treat the windmill with special treatment. You can simply facilitate the flow of symptoms and the disease itself. But even this will be achieved only if the complex is observed above these rules.