Than to treat the urchinis in adults

Than to treat the urchinis in adults

Recently, polyethic dermatosis becomes a private satellite of most of the population. This phenomenon is accompanied by a rash, itching. In common, this disease is called urticaria. A person wants to cure from this ailment, because It causes discomfort and constraint in front of others. Let's figure it out than they treat the Hardwriter in adults.

Patients are sometimes complaining about unbearable itch. Combing blisters is dangerous, so the first thing that is worth accepting is antihistamine drugs. Their action is aimed at eliminating unpleasant sensations. Pay attention to the preparations of the second and third generation, because The side effects of them are less than from the antihistamine preparations of the first generation. In priority, Erius, Zirtek, Tefastast. It is advisable to take them at least 5 days. If the result does not occur, heavy artillery goes into "fight" - corticosteroid hormones. For example, prednisone, dexamethasone.

The treatment of urticaria in adults has nuances depending on the form:

  • During an acute attack, injections are made to Vienna 30% sodium thiosulfate solution and a 10% calcium chloride solution for 10 days. To relieve scabies, ppylly balm or phenyatil gel are applied. Effective and ointment with zinc content. Classic option is suitable - zinc ointment.
  • The relief of the chronic stage will bring corticosteroids, such as prednisone and prednisone. However, they should be taken carefully, under the control of the doctor. Unfortunately, these drugs affect negatively on the intestinal microflora, so it is additionally worth taking bifidumbacterin or colibacterin. Also effective physiotherapy for the treatment of urticaria: ultraviolet irradiation, hydrogen sulfide baths.
  • The symptoms of the allergic form will be held if you eliminate the stimulus. To do this, observe the hypoallergenic diet. Add a little coriander into the food, it eliminates the discomfort. More difficult if you have not yet established, what a reaction to the skin appears. For help in the treatment of urticaria, adults will come safe means - smacks, lactiform. They will quickly contact and remove allergen from the body.

Symptoms of urticaria cause stress in patients. And as a result, it is insomnia, irritability, scattered, aggressiveness. Try to relax. If you have the opportunity, take your vacation at work. If not, without drugs that reduce the feeling of anxiety, do not do. Atraques and Paroksetin have proven themselves well.

Treat the Hardwriter in adults and folk methods:

  • Watch the raw potatoes on the grater. Attach it on damaged skin. Top with a plastic bag for half an hour.
  • Take the baths with a decoction of soulschitsa, Hypericum, Celebre, Valerians and a turn. In 500 ml of water, add 1 tbsp. Each grass. Boil it on slow heat about 20-30 minutes. Then turn off the plate and give it to strengthen within an hour.
  • Super skin is preferably constantly moisturized to get rid of itching. To do this, wipe it with a decoction of chamomile, oak bark, nettle.
  • Take 20 g of mint and pour 250 ml of water. An hour later, the decoction is ready to use. Take 3 times a day at 3 tbsp.
  • Grind celery root until the juice is obtained. Drink it for 1 tsp. 4 times a day.

The treatment of urticaria in adults is not easy. To do this, it is worth attaching the maximum effort and time. And as a reward - beautiful and healthy skin.

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