How to treat the highlight

How to treat the highlight

The Pader is a rather unpleasant discomfort. It is manifested by skin rash that can be hung. They are subject to both adults and kids, especially often - full people who have fat folds, women with a very large breast size and those who have disease internal organs. The main reasons for the appearance of the Pepper are the violation of the work glands of the internal secretion, an increase in ambient temperature and humidity, long stay in the sun and the reception of drugs that reinforce the sweating. But with this disease is not only possible, but also need to fight.

A zinc ointment is effectively fighting on the face. It contributes to the elimination of the inflammatory process and dries. It is necessary to apply it six times a day for clean dry skin. The same action has a Calamine cream containing zinc. He also eliminates itching, has a cooling effect. It is also applied to the affected areas several times a day.

Zinc ointment5

No less well to get rid of walnut baths from walnuts. It is necessary to chop their leaves and brew boiling water (about twenty grams). Give a little cool, strain and add the resulting decoction into the water when taking a bath. Also for adding a decoction from the bark of oak. The principle is the same. Baths from ordinary laurels are also very useful. Several leaves are poured with a glass of boiling water and get cold. The resulting means are kneading and inflamed places. Indispensable for the Potnis on the legs of a decoction from a turn with chamomile. In equal proportions, the grass must be mixed and brew, let it stand in a few hours and add to the bath. You can just soar legs with it.

To get rid of the hands from this misfortune, a mixture of herbs such as mint, cleanliness, welfare, rebel and field hand will be suitable. They are taken in equal amounts and half liters of steep boiling water poured. Cool and filter. Wash your hands with such a decoction three times a day. Thousands of body useful for any part of the body. Twenty grams of its colors are poured with a glass of boiling water, insist a couple of hours and wash distressed places. To do this, you can use cleanly. Brewed with two glasses of hot water, suitable for adding into the water during swimming.


The newborn to cure such a recipe for the newborn: mix Arnica flowers, yarrow and grass rebel on one teaspoon. Pour a mixture of half liters of boiling water, cool. Wash the baby once or twice a day. No less effective to combat the disease Children's springs, which include talc and zinc oxide. They are able to help and adults. Linen oil is a formidable enemy of this ail. They need to lubricate the wound every day.


If different methods of the treatment of the Paddle were trifled, but it fails to achieve a positive result, it becomes enhanced by itching or the patient increases the temperature, it is necessary to contact a dermatologist, which will specify the diagnosis and prescribes treatment. Antibiotics may be spelled out.

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