How to heal to the Pad in children

How to heal to the Pad in children

In the summer period, and especially in the heat, all the kids are subject to such a common skin manifestation in the form of rashes as the Padern. This rash is not an infectious disease, but to start the treatment of children's tubers, for example, the babies need after consulting with a pediatrician.

Bat a child a day several times, one of which in boiled water with the addition of herbal chamomile beams or a series - at the rate of 1-2 tbsp. Grass on a glass of water. Pour the grass with boiling water and leave under the lid for an hour, strain through a gauze folded in four layers, and add to the bathing bath.

If your karapuz is inclined to allergies, her herbs decoctions will not fit. Conduct water procedures with the addition of a weak warman in boiled water or rinse the baby after the bath with starch water - at the rate of 1 tbsp. Starch on 1 liter of water. Manganese is a good antiseptic, and starch perfectly pushes moisture.

Wipe the kid with flannel cloth, but do not wear right away. Give the skin to dry, and then sprinkle the problem places the most ordinary baby powder without adding fragments or talc. By appointment of a doctor, treat salicyl-zinc ointment.

Remove the strong itching of the skin with a soda compress, which prepare from 1 tsp. Soda and 200 ml of water. Welcome soft fabric in the solution and apply bumps into place.

At hot time, try not to use fatty children's creams or sterilized vegetable oil, with the exception of folds on the handles and legs.

Choose clothing from natural fabrics and try to minimize its amount in the heat. Also remember that diapers are an integral part of the wardrobe for a modern newborn, can provoke excessive sweating, which leads to the traveler.

Important! In a strong heat when the first symptoms are the first symptoms, begin to take measures to restore normal heat exchange and carry out the necessary therapeutic procedures so as not to provoke complications in the form of a yellow peer at which antibiotics are prescribed.

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