How to treat aneg

How to treat aneg

Angina is not such a harmless disease, as they sometimes think about it. If you have risen the temperature, there is a lubrication in the whole body and the throat hurts, it means that you need to treat an angina. The inflammation of the throat in the field of almonds can give strong complications on the whole body, so treatment should be serious.

An angina cannot be transferred on the legs - only a strict bed mode. The patient must be in an isolated room.

Do not start independent treatment of an angina from the reception of antibiotics - only a doctor can assign them. Take yourself in the throat, and if you see a gray-white raid on the almonds - then this is a "follicular" angina. Urgently call the doctor so that he prescribes medicines.


If there is no plaque in the throat, and it's just red - try to cure yourself. The temperature you normally carry is not necessarily shot down. The temperature rise suggests that the body is struggling with angina, and he only needs to help. If the temperature is emolred, take any antipyretic: aspirin, paracetamol, nourofen, teraflu.

As often as possible, wechit the throat with warm braids of therapeutic herbs: chamomiles, calendula, sage. On two tablespoons of raw materials - floor liter of water. Soda rinsing helps well: on a glass of warm water 1 teaspoon of soda. If there is a tincture of propolis in the house on alcohol, it needs to be diluted with water and also rinse the throat (1 teaspoon on a glass of water).

Between rinsing, absorb special pills: Septefril, Faringosept, Anti-Angine, Neo-Angine. They can be replaced with a home appliance: one pill streptocitis to be confused into powder and mix with a spoonful of candied honey.

Lizobactic Tablets

Are you treated for two days already, and the condition does not improve? Call a doctor, especially if you notice the increase in lymph nodes on the neck in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lower jaw. Complicated angina may cause heart and renal failure.

Angina most often sick people with weakened immunity. In order not to hurt, strengthen it, stop, drive an active lifestyle. In the offseason, when a great risk is a cold, dress up the weather and try to avoid the places of the accumulation of people.

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Anya 03/12/2017 at 21:29

I was the throat of rinse a chamomile and be sure to absorb Lizobakt if I feel like a disease. Since he treats the throat from infections, thereby speeding up recovery. Recommend!

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Sasha 04/06/2019 at 15:46.

With the throat necessarily rinse the throat. To do this, I use Yodangine powder. I choose the one that with eucalyptus and sage. He helps from pain, disinfects and relieves inflammation

To answer
    Tanya 07/16/2019 at 11:56.

    And how much does such powder cost? How often do you make rinsing? Usually I use Furacilin for this, but it seems to me that there is little effect from it.

    To answer
      Sasha 07/19/2019 at 15:38

      It costs only 150 rubles, rinse throat every 3 hours for maximum effect.

      To answer
Valeria 12/26/2019 at 15:49.

If the throat hurts, then it is necessary to rinse and the more often the better. In addition to rinsing Personally, I still use pills to absorb, anti-angine formula I like. Everything in the complex acts well, the pain in the throat decreases every day.

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