How to treat lymph nodes in groin

How to treat lymph nodes in groin

In the human body, not only blood is constantly circulating, but also lymph, which is filtered in nodes. These nodes are located next to the largest veins and arteries. In the normal state, the size of the node is not more than 5-8 mm.

Signs of increased lymph nodes

In the event of inflammation in the inguinal lymph nodes, the node increases in size, swelling, becomes sensitive and painful to the touch. If you touch, normal lymph node has the size of prealties, but inflamed - beans. In conditions of strong inflammation, it can increase to quail egg size.

In any case, even if inflammation in the lymph node is present, it will still be moving. If suddenly the lymph node is immobile, it is impossible to roll it with my fingers, it is a bad sign, can even signal about oncology. The bad sign is the inflamed lymph node, but not painful when pressed on it. In this case, it may be a sign of syphilis.

In any case, any inflammatory process with lymph nodes is not very good, as it means that the body struggles with some ailment.

If, with an increase in the inguinal lymph nodes, the temperature, pain in organs, discomfort, should be urgently needed to consult a doctor.

Itself can only go through this symptom only if there are no bad signs that we told above.

Treatment of inguinal lymph nodes

  • Treatment can only be assigned a doctor, but first you need to pass all the necessary analysis to diagnose. In the meantime, you can take immunostimulants.
  • Upon inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes, the tincture of echinations purple, 3 times a day at 15-30 drops.
  • Be sure to put your diet. Eat more fermented dairy products, onions, garlic. Temporarily give up the whole roast, salted, sharp. Remove alcoholic and carbonated drinks from the diet.
  • Very often the cause of inflammation of lymph nodes in the groin is supercooling. Then take the baths for the legs, and in general, are warm.
  • When the doctor sees your tests and will understand the cause of inflammation, treatment will be appointed. The disease can be localized in reproductive organs as a virus or inflammation, there may be various infections, including sexually transmitted. The reasons can serve tuberculosis, jade, hernia, etc.

As soon as the body cope with the disease, inflammation will be cured, the lymph nodes will again acquire normal sizes.

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