Inflammation of lymph nodes under the arm - treatment

Inflammation of lymph nodes under the arm - treatment

A person with a normal health state, lymphatic nodes are invisible and not felt. But if bacteria and harmful microorganisms have accumulated in them - inflammation appears. Lymph nodes under the mouse are inflamed due to infections, injuries transferred diseases and bad hygiene. Women should carefully treat this phenomenon, inflammation can point to breast cancer. Timely treatment will reduce the risk of possible complications.

Conservative treatment of lymph nodes under the arm

The treatment of the inflammatory process is aimed at eliminating the source of infection. The doctor will send to the ultrasound and for the surrender to choose the most effective treatment method. The affected lymph node is required. For this you need:

  • reduce physical exertion. Stop at the time of sports and physical activity. If the inflammation is sharp - the doctor will write a hospital sheet;
  • help the lymphatic system in the fight against infection. Perform all the recommendations of the doctor.

The main method of treatment is antibacterial therapy. The doctor will write antibiotics - amoxiclav, azithromycin, amoxicillin or others. Antibiotic treatment lasts from 10 to 14 days, lymph nodes gradually decrease in size, and inflammation passes. Mazi is a good effect, the heparin ointment, salicylic, ichthiolic or tubazidovaya.

Other treatment methods appointed by the doctor:

  • physiotherapeutic procedures. This is medicinal electrophoresis, ultrasound therapy. They will help to solve with an affinity under the arm;
  • compresses with Dimexide solution. Effectively remove inflammation;
  • chloroethyl blockade. It is used at the initial stage of the disease, the treatment method is based on cooling surface layers of the skin, which helps to eliminate inflammation.

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Surgical treatment of lymph nodes under the arm

If the inflammatory process reached the purulent stage - an operation is carried out. The surgeon will reveal under local anesthesia and removes an ulcer. Then the doctor promotes the wound and put the drainage required for pus outflow. After 7 days, drainage will be removed and begin to draw dressings. The doctor will prescribe painkillers, sulfonamides and acetylsalicylic acid. With severe condition, the patient is transferred blood transfusion.

After surgery, the doctor recommends a patient with a low amount of carbohydrates and receiving vitamin preparations. Various compresses against inflammation and warming will help restore normal activity of lymph nodes.

If the doctor discovered malignant education - prescribe a course of chemotherapy.

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Treatment of lymph nodes under the arm with the help of traditional medicine

Recipes of traditional medicine will help only at the initial phase of the inflammatory process. In more severe cases, use them in combination with medical preparations appointed by the doctor.

For the treatment of inflammation of the lymph node in the axillary region, the following folk recipes are used:

  • tincture Echinacea. Pour 100 ml of water and pour 10 droplets of tincture into it. Drink 3 times a day half a teaspoon. For the compress, connect the tincture with clean water in the one to two ratio. Wet clean bandage and attach to affected places;
  • baked onions. Bake onions in the oven. Turn it into the puree and add 1 tbsp. Spoon of pharmacy tar. Apply the ointment on a wide bandage, folded several times and apply to the inflamed site. Tie a bandage and hold 8 hours;
  • compress from walnut leaves and vodka. Grind nuts and 3 tbsp. Spoons of leaves pour 150 g of vodka. Give the mixture for three days and use as a compress;
  • silver from mint leaves. Rinse fresh mint leaves and make a decoction of them. Mock the binket in the brave, impose on the sick lymph node and leave for 2 hours.

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The inflammatory process in lymph nodes under the mouse may indicate serious health problems or appear from injury or infection. But do not ignore this disease! Start the treatment as early as possible, you quickly get rid of unpleasant sensations and save your health.

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