How to remove gum inflammation

How to remove gum inflammation

Such a common dental disease as the inflammation of the gums suffer from 2/3 of the world's population. Legging asymptomatic at first, without timely prevention and treatment, it develops into serious problems with the gums, which is not impossible to allow, otherwise it is possible to remain without teeth.

Regular cleaning of teeth after meals (at least 3 minutes) with the use of the rinser and the correct use of the dental thread (we go around the teeth with a thread from all sides to the characteristic screen) - will help to avoid, as well as remove the gums of the gum from the meal particles falling into the oral cavity and stuck between teeth.

Toothstone is a dangerous signal that leads to a serious gum disease periodontitis. When detecting on the teeth of a dark fly, immediately contact the dentist to eliminate it. Because the fight against the dental stone is a more serious problem. In any case, it will also help to prevent and remove the inflammation of the gums, if any in a serious form.

Gingivitis is a common gum disease in adolescence, as well as at the moment of pregnancy. Insufficient cavity care and hormonal disorders lead to it. It is not necessary to be afraid, because it is quite easy to inflammation, where the integrity of the junction of the tooth and the gums does not suffer as with periodontitis. This inflammation is rapidly treated with conventional rinsing. Use a solution of drinking soda, propolis tincture, oak bark, hydrogen peroxide. If the swelling is strong, heparin ointment helps well.

The strongest inflammatory process in the teeth can cause the purulent inflammation of the gums when an abscess is formed under the name "Flux". Immediate appeal to the dentist, snapshot, treatment and if you need to remove the tooth and the incision of the gums - will help you get rid of the flux. Rinsers of chamomile decoction and disinfectants (1.5-2 ppm Rotokan on a glass of water) After opening the nary, the process of restoring the gums will accelerate.

Flux 2.

Remove the inflammation of the gums around the tooth in the case of a poor-quality prosthesis or crown, which interferes with the assurious and incorrectly installed seals when its edge is caused by injury and infection, you can only eliminate the cause. We change the crown or seal - remove inflammation.

The treatment of gum inflammation due to incorrectly bite, when the crowd of teeth leads to the injury of the papillas between the teeth, periodontist and orthodontist are engaged. First, the dental flare is removed and the stone is removed, and then braces, brackets, etc. are used. Devices to help align bite.

Qualitative and correct compliance with the hygienic procedures for the care of the oral cavity, as well as the timely appeal for medical care in dentistry, allows you to quickly remove the lungs of gums and avoid serious inflammatory processes, sometimes life-threatening, with their purulent manifestations.

Comments leave a comment
Diana 20/11/2018 at 0:28

Something last time very much the gums began to disturb me, what could it be? What doctor to go to? Conventional dentist's therapist?

Maria 21/11/2018 at 22:48.

Diana, well, in principle, to the usual dentist therapist. I think you have a periodontitiate probably or gingivitis if the gums hurt. Start gel holoval smear gums, it will help well and consult your doctor.

Yana. 09/04/2021 at 21:59

Usually, if the gums begin to inflame, I start my mouth to rinse. A wide spectrum of action is affected by bacteria with viruses, painful sensations and inflammation. After use, the state of the gum is noticeably facilitated. It works for me.


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