Oak bark for gums

Oak bark for gums

Because of our lifestyle, irregular nutrition and other gum factors are exposed to multiple tests. Even the fact that we are tightened with a visit to the dentist, says that the health of the gum is a far secondary question. And what can already say that not everyone cleans his teeth at least twice a day, and only units use dental thread. Many are referred to employment or to ignorance, how to care for their gums. But their good condition is the key to strong and healthy teeth.

Oak bark for gums

A significant number of people knows or at least guess that the gums are best useful to use folk recipes. One of these natural drugs is the bark of oak, which is not difficult to acquire in any pharmacy. The cort is used for inflammation of mucous, bleeding, etc.

Useful properties of the crust

The bark of oak is a storehouse of useful materials for wonderful gum wellness. It has a binding effect due to the content of tannins. All this comes into contact with proteins and forms a film that protects fabrics from irritation. Oak bark is also antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory. The decoction of the bark is able to strengthen the gums and enamel, as well as to deliver from the unpleasant smell of mouth.

Oak bark

It is best for rinsering gums and teeth to use an oak bark in the form of a decoction, which can be cooked independently. Cooking:

  1. Grind your bark and put in heated dishes;
  2. In proportions: for 20 g. Core fill 200 ml. indirect water temperature;
  3. Insist on a water boiling bath;
  4. For half an hour, it is stirred;
  5. Remove from the bath after 25 min., Fix, press the bark;
  6. Top up to the desired volume - 300 ml. water;
  7. Apply for rinse the gums 6-8 times a day.

After use, you keep such a medicine in a cool place for no more than 2 days with a temperature of 8-15 degrees.

Treatment of periodontal lessen oak bark

Pelonontosis is a disease at which drying, lowering the gums. No matter how terrible it sounds, but also from such a not glow. For the treatment of periodontal, you can also rinse your mouth with a decoction from the bark of oak, but it will be necessary to do it much more often. It is advisable to do it after meals. The decoction is used both for the prevention of the disease and direct treatment.

Treatment of fluxum gums

No less frightening for people is the oral disease, like flux. Flux is primarily expressed in the swelling of the gums, from which a person feels very strong pain. And here it also comes to the rescue, such a magic agent like an oak bark. True, if you do not want to start the disease and stay without a tooth, it is best to go to the doctor who will prescribe treatment. But to reduce pain and remove the swelling, you can use a bark. I prepare from it infusion:

  1. Pour 1 liter. boiling water 4 tbsp. l. bark;
  2. Let us breed about half an hour;
  3. We clamp the oral cavity every 1.5-2 hours.

Remember, flux is very dangerous for the health of the teeth and the gums, because a visit to the doctor is mandatory.

Bark after removing the tooth

If you have been subjected to such an unpleasant and painful process, like the removal of the tooth, then the rinse of the bark of oak after the procedure is a good solution. Infusion or decoction quickly relieves pain, reduces bleeding and helps to get rid of harmful bacteria.

Oak bark is a truly natural tool that is harmlessly in its properties and brings only one favor. For the health of the gums is an excellent and inexpensive option, just need to prepare a tincture or decoction and pain, as a hand remove.

Comments leave a comment
Katia 08/11/2021 at 16:04

Most likely it is more like an antiseptic tool, because it protects the oral cavity from any pathogenic microorganisms. And in order to remove the same bleeding, of course more vitamin C is needed, and high-quality, as it strengthens the capillaries. I really like Evalarov vitamin C 100 milligrams ascorbat calcium in tablets. The dosage is good (but there you can choose any) and since in a non-reduction form is safer for the stomach. Take a note.


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