How to rinse the throat calendula

How to rinse the throat calendula

Calendula or "Nail" is an annual medicinal plant. All useful properties are imprisoned in its orange-yellow flowers. Calendula is easy to grow at the cottage or in the courtyard at home. Rinse Calendula - famous folk remedy.

Calendula has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Rinse the calendula effectively for diseases of the throat, such as angina, tonsillitis, pharyngitis.

The rinsing procedure helps rinse the throat and clean the almonds from the pus. In this way, all harmful microbes and bacteria are washed out, resistance to respiratory diseases is developed.

To rinse the throat, buy a calendula tincture in a pharmacy. Take a glass of warm boiled water and distribute 1 teaspoon in it.

Try to prepare the calendula tincture yourself. To do this, take 100 g of chopped flowers and fill 0.5 liters. Vodka. Close tightly cover and remove in a dark place for a week. Do not forget to shake the tincture during its cooking.

Also for rinsing, use chopped calendula flowers. They can be bought at the pharmacy or gather at the cottage. Take the floor liter jar or other capacity, place 1 teaspoon of inflorescences and fill 200 ml. boiling water. Tightly close the can with a lid and let's strengthen about an hour. Before rinse, strain the decoction through the gauze.

Use for rinsing the throat at least 1 mugs at a time. The decoction should be not too hot, but not cold. Rinse the throat of the calendula every 4 hours. The course of treatment is 5-7 days.

The rinse method is very simple. It is necessary to take some scope in the mouth, throw back the head back, omit the root of the language as low as possible and pronounce the sound "y" or "a". You should not spoil the decoction too soon, one rinsing cycle should take half a minute.

Rinse the calendula is not a panacea. Do not forget that with an angina, antibiotics play a decisive role. But without rinsing the calendula, the treatment will not be complete. Calendula will help raise the local corner immunity and relieve inflammation.

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Yana 05/23/2016 at 21:42.

With an angina, it is recommended to rinse the throat of decoction of calendulas or chamomile. And on the appointment of their Laura, we take absorbing tablets tonszilotrene. They soothe patient throat in a few days.

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Anya. 05/16/2018 at 23:17

One thing is not to cure the throat. At though I have long been the case before the angina did not reach. I usually start the lizobakt at once with a pain in the throat. He copes well with all infections. I advise him

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Mila 25/11/2018 at 10:11

I also immediately begin to treat the throat, even if the pain is not strong and can be tolerated. But if you do not heal at once, then of course to Angina can reach Larygitis ((but I have another favorite, anti-angine formula. I buy these pills for resorption and are satisfied with their effectiveness.

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faith 27/11/2018 at 20:47

And if your throat hurts, then you only use drugs for the throat? I just come to the treatment

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Vasilisa 03/20/2019 at 1:10

Faith, do everything correctly. I personally and rinse the throat and absorb the pill sage from natur product, I like that the pain becomes less, I feel better, despite the slightly specific taste of these tablets.

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Vika 04/06/2019 at 15:42.

I buy a powder for rinsing iodangine with calendula and chamomile. I spread it in water and rinse the throat every 3 hours. He removes inflammation and disinfects the throat

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Marina 11/11/2019 at 17:45.

About the calendula for the first time I hear, to be honest. Usually weeping with soda and everything, it is enough. Recently, Alvis Lizozyme began to dissolve when the throat hurts. Helps any infection to kill the local immunity of the oral mucosa to maintain, which is especially important when they are sick.

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