How to get rid of mucus in the throat

How to get rid of mucus in the throat

The mucus in the throat carries out a protective function, preventing the shell from the penetration of viruses and the action of irritant factors. If a viscous secret accumulates too much, then problems appear in the form of unpleasant sensations and constant discomfort, from which you want to get rid of any way. The treatment methods divorced the uncountable amount, it only aggravates the situation, because a person because of such a variety is lost in the choice. In this article we picked up the simplest and most effective methods of combating mucos in the throat.

Main care from mucus in the throat

  • The mucus in the throat should be sprinkled, and not swallow. If a lot of sputum gathered, it is desirable to roll it out. In a secluded place where no one will interfere with you, try to exhaust it. Always wear a napkin with a napkin so that at any time you have to unnoticate the mucus.
  • Drink plenty of water during the day. Water passing through the esophagus will help to wash the mucus out of the throat. The body producing a lot of sputum struggles with some disease, and this indicates that at this time the human immune system is overloaded. In order for the body to be able to deal with the disease, it must be constantly replenished with water. Additional and useful tool to combat the wet throat can be tea with honey and lemon - acid has the ability to destroy mucus, and honey, in turn, will envelop the throat with a protective pleasant layer. Also in its diet, it is necessary to include warm sumps on chicken broth that will help get rid of annusy mucus. Do not forget, preference is better to give to light broth, rather than an instrumental dense soup.
  • Ferry treatment. A steam bath will help to get rid of the mucus, as a result of which warm air flows will be held along the throat and nasal sinuses and tear off the sputum substantiated there. To do this, brew chamomile in a big saucepan, gently lean over her, throw the towel on the head and inhale couples. It also helps a warm shower. It will not hurt to buy a humidifier of the air, add moisture in the room, but only know the measure and do not overdo it.

Avoid products that contribute to the formation of mucus in the throat

Tell me "No":

  • Smoking. Smoking is an worst enemy for the human body, which slowly destroys it. If you want to get rid of the mucus, then you just need to abandon this bad habit, which leads to an irritation in the throat, worsens the respiratory function, and also causes stagnation.
  • Soy products. Some of them, although rich in protein, for example, pace and tofu, but they not only can increase the viscosity of the mucus, but also increase its accumulation. If you have the opportunity, it is better to give up the use of these products.
  • Dairy products. Many can disagree with it, but still, if you have suspicion that the mucus in the throat can appear from dairy products, for a while, give up them. If your condition improves, then they probably were one of the reasons for the formation of sputum. The fact is that milk is a fat product, and fat is able to make a mucus more annoying and thick.
  • Chemicals. If you suffer from mucus in the throat, then you better not use household detergents and paints. They will annoy your throat, but to cause further mucus production.

Rinse throat from mucus

The three most acting folk methods that will help get rid of the mucus of the throat:

  • Salt, iodine, soda. This solution is the easiest and affordable, for its preparation take on a teaspoon of soda and salt, fill with a glass of water, stir. After the complete dissolution of these two components, add a pair of iodine drops, the main thing is not to overdo it, because when it is excessive, the solution will have an unpleasant taste and rinse the throat will be unbearable. Rinse must be taken every three hours.
  • The calendul tincture will help get rid of the mucus in the throat. Take a teaspoon of colors, pour them with a glass of boiled water, leave half an hour. Throughout the right time, straighten the tincture, let it cool and get it her throat. The more often you do, the faster get rid of the mucus.
  • Chamomile tincture. This dried plant can be purchased on any pharmacy, it is sold in the crumbly form or bags. For cooking tincture, take a bag or a teaspoon of chamomile and pour the glass of boiling water. Leave for an hour, strain, after full cooling you can rinse the throat, it is advisable to do it every 3 hours.

We proposed methods of getting rid of the mucus are easily fulfilled and do not require special financial costs. You can spend them yourself at home, without any help. We hope that these methods will help you forget about the unpleasant feelings in the throat.

The article is familiarized, before treatment, be sure to consult your doctor.

Comments leave a comment
Dasha 25/11/2021 at 16:21

You need to understand what it is caused. The doctor explained to me that in this way herald manifests itself ... In any case, you need to stop bouts. Previously I tried folk remedies, but from them is a sense of zero. Switched to the genuine in bulk pills. It is harmless to the stomach and the taste is pleasant it turns out like mango. Therefore, everything will be by the way, I buy a phytomarket in the online store.


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