The occurrence of sputum is a characteristic symptomatic phenomenon of a number of respiratory, inflammatory and infectious diseases of the respiratory tract, such as: bronchitis, influenza, allergies, cold, laryngitis, tonsillitis, angina and others. On its excessive clustering, the body signals us by manifestation of cough, which can be both dry and humid, which in turn indicates the degree of viscosity of the mucus. To avoid various complications, one should not be tightened with the adoption of measures to get rid of sputum.
In order for the ladies, the nasal sinuses, the respiratory tract was not overwhelmed, and the sputum could move freely, during treatment, in the room the necessary humidity constituting about 70%. In order not to provoke an increase in the number of mucus, try to reduce the motor activity, relax more. Do not neglect the insulation of the chest and throat. In the fight against the wethers, your assistants will be onions, garlic, mustard, chili pepper, ginger, lemon, turmeric, honey. But consumption of meat and dairy products, fried food better minimize, as they contribute to the development of mucus by the body. Refuse to therapy and smoking, alcohol-containing drinks.
We use the annoying respiratory tract by means, such as perfumery, household chemicals, etc. Drink more warm liquid in the form of milk, herbal teas with mint, chamber, melissa, sage, mother-and-stepmother, licorice, fennel, thyme, brazing of rosehip, viburnum and lingers, horses and compotes. Add a teaspoon of honey to the milk, grated ginger. You can add a pinch of dill seeds in 200 ml of this product, boil, then strain, drink overnight. On an empty stomach daily eaten 30 grams of butter. It will help the withdrawal of sputum and decoction of Ivy: a teaspoon of leaves fill 250 ml of boiling water, insist a couple of hours, warm up. Do not forget to brew according to instructions and chest fees. Keep in mind that during pregnancy they are contraindicated.
Effective Mulitatic and contributing to expectoration drugs, among them Terbutalin, Berodual, thermopsis, Mukaltin, Bromgexin, Alteka, Fluimucil, Ambrohexal, Azestin, Gedeliks, Flavamed, Stoptotsin, Sodium Hydrocarbonate, Flegamine, Mukobene, Erdomed. When applying them, follow the instructions. Resort to vapor inhalations, use potatoes, alkaline mineral water, eucalyptus, alkaline mineral water, eucalyptus, chamber, thyme, lemon essential oils, fir, juniper, dioxidine. The discharge of sputum contributes to such a means: take on a teaspoon of wheat flour, butter, liquid honey, add two eggs, mix all. Use three times per day on a spoon. In the morning and in the evening, drink a glass of carrot juice, mixed with honey in a 2: 1 proportion.
Try such a recipe: 100 grams of licorice root pour half liters of vodka or diluted alcohol, insist for at least five days in a dark place. The number of daily droplets of this tool must be identical to your age. Or such: a tablespoon of linden or soul flowers to fill 300 ml. Boiling water, insist for half an hour. Drink in two receptions. We have a throat of aloe juice, divorced in equal parts with warm water. Prepare such a tool: Take in the same number of licorice root, pine buds and sage (everything is sold in the pharmacy), mix, tablespoon of the received collection filled half liters of boiling water, let it stand for three hours, then strain. Eat every two or three hours on a spoon. At night to the chest, apply the compress from the grated radish, just try not to affect the area of \u200b\u200bthe heart.
In the absence of positive dynamics, do not tighten with an appeal to a specialist.
i have long been using a buckcut in capsules when coughing. It cleans the lungs, helps to increase immunity and the composition is natural. No need to treat your body tablets
From the sputum helps to get rid of bronchobos, I bought it myself, he dilutes the sputum viscous and well everything leaves and passes. It is important to drink a lot.
I have if the dry cough and the sputum does not leave, then the flux is starting to use. It just helps and moisturize cough and the wet begins to move away. And drink more more doctors advise, water, compotes, frost.
Terbutalin is a broncholitic, not a mucolytic. It is prescribed during asthma. Just like Berrodal.
i have long been using a buckcut in capsules when coughing. It cleans the lungs, helps to increase immunity and the composition is natural. No need to treat your body tablets
From the sputum helps to get rid of bronchobos, I bought it myself, he dilutes the sputum viscous and well everything leaves and passes. It is important to drink a lot.
I have if the dry cough and the sputum does not leave, then the flux is starting to use. It just helps and moisturize cough and the wet begins to move away. And drink more more doctors advise, water, compotes, frost.