How to treat strong cough

How to treat strong cough

Not treated strong depressing cough is able to deliver a lot of painful sensations and complications. Treatment must be started when the first symptoms of the disease are manifested. Let's consider various methods of cough treatment, depending on their productivity.

What is cough

Cough is a reflex protective "assistant" of our body, which helps to get rid of him from the presence in the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract of a peculiar annoying secret, dust or any foreign bodies. The causes of cough have a set, but basic - bacterial, viral or chronic respiratory diseases of the respiratory tract.

Types of cough

There is a physiological (normal, short-term daily process of flaking in a healthy person, aimed at the natural cleansing of the respiratory tract from the accumulated sputum) and the pathological cough (diagnoses any disease, manifests itself on its background). The gradation of a pathological cough is a sharp or chronic wet (wet, productive, with the dishelling of sputum) and dry (paroxy, barking, exhausting, without disheaving from the respiratory tract of the allocation of a specific secret).

The specificity of the treatment of cough

The treatment of cough depends on the causes of its occurrence and its type. If the cough is messenger and accompanies respiratory diseases such as an ARVI or a normal cold - it is not necessary to eliminate it forced. In other cases, when the cough is dry, exhausting, strong, persistent - treatment is used to produce sputum and its ignition, for the top of the respiratory tract.

  • The very first thing, where to begin the elimination of cough (before the use of drugs and auxiliary folk techniques) is humidification of air indoors, abundant use of fluid in the form of warm teas and mineral waters, rejection of bad habits, as well as a change in the diet to the light, but Caloric food. All this will contribute to the stimulation of wet selection.
  • Inhalation is an excellent and effective, non-contraindicated means (the exception for applications is children under 4), which should be carried out several times a day. You can make inhalations by the usual "Dedovsky" method, inhaling couples from a steaming medicinal plant, when the mother and march, eucalyptus, chamber, sage, chamomile are brewed. You can add soda and slightly drops of menthol or eucalyptus oil to herbs.
  • The more productive method of inhalation is the use of nebulizer inhalers. In this case, pharmacy drugs are used, which have mucole and expectorant properties. Stop your choice on such preparations as "Dicasan", "Lazolyvan", "Amroksol", "Bromgexin", "Herbion", "Prospan", alkaline mineral waters.

Folk methods of treating dry and wet cough

With a dry cough, the most important thing will be removed irritant and soften the mucous membrane. To do this, you can use lollipops, various rinsing having anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. But it is worth considering that the effect of such "treatment" will be short. The best option to eliminate cough will be used, together with pharmacy drugs, folk techniques. This will significantly speed up the process of recovery and restoring the body not only from exhausting dry, but also from a wet cough.

Milk with cough

  • Milk has mitigating, mucolic properties, well dilutes the sputum and contributes to the easiest disbelief from the respiratory tract. A dry cough, accompanying a cold, bronchitis, tracheitis or cough, is well sufficient to stop the decoction of figs on milk. To do this, brew 5 fruits of figs in 200 ml of milk. Wrap off, let it brew and apply 1/3 cup 2-3 times a day.
  • With a strong dry cough, drink in front of eating in small sips hot milk (200 ml) with the addition of 1 h. Soda, honey and interior fat.
  • Mix milk in equal proportions with fresh carrot juice. Take the resulting tool 1/3 cup several times a day.
  • Grind 2 bulbs and boil in 200 ml of milk. Perfect, take 1 tbsp. l. Every 4-5 hours.

Honey and radish from strong cough

The radish juice has bactericidal anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties. Buy a large puzzy black radish. Cut the top by making a cap in the form of a hat, and a bit of the bottom. From the inside, remove about 1/3 of her pulp. Carefully make a small puncture before the root of the root. All prepared deepening fill in honey. Place the radar in the container in which juice mixed with honey will flow from the puncture. After 2-4 hours you will get a great indispensable natural remedy for a strong cough. Take the syrup of 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day before meals. After 2-3 days, the cough completely leaves you.

Cough compresses and rubbing

  • Before bedtime, rub the chest ram or goat interior fat. After rubbing, warm well and lie down in bed.
  • To eliminate cough in children, use a dry potato puree compress. Prepare a mixture of puree and vodka. Place it in a warm form in a plastic bag, wrap it with a napkin and attach to the back and chest. Take the compress with a warm scarf and leave until complete cooling.
  • Well from a strong cough will help honey compress. Stit with honey breasts, make a steam layer (parchment, warm scarf), lie for warming up for a blanket. As soon as the warming end - roam warm water, lubricate the chest with vegetable oil.
  • Incessant, hardly removed cough will help eliminate the compress from the vegetable oil heated on the water bath. Wrap a dense tissue in the prepared oil, wrap it with a chest, put the parchment paper from above and the insulation in the form of a scarf or towel. Leave such compress all night.

Note! Compresses and rubbers can be applied if you do not have a temperature.

Cough and chamfer

  • If it is not possible to purchase chest harness at the pharmacy, prepare it yourself. To do this, mix in equal proportions and grind a chamber, pine kidneys, souls, mint, licorice, mother-and-stepmother, a lime, calendula and a meduse. Fill 4 tbsp. l. Mixtures of 1 liters of boiling water, insist 1-1.5 hours, use 150 ml 3 times a day in 30 minutes of food.
  • Infusion from Altea has a good antitussive property. For its preparation of 2 tbsp. l. Ground root Fill 500 ml of cold water. Keep the mixture in the cold day. After - strain, add some sugar, take 1 tbsp. l. 2-3 times a day.

Aloe with a strong cough

Mix in equal ratios honey, aloe and butter. Take this tool 4-5 times a day for 1 tsp.

Treatment of severe cough in children

Small kids (up to 1 year) require medical control and observation. For older children, use abundant warm drinks, mustard pieces, rubbing, hot foot baths, compresses, inhalations, preparations, soothing the nervous system ("Tower", "Synecode") and possessing expectorant mucolotic properties.

Please note that the elimination of cough should not be carried out independently, without controlling the specialist (with microbial diseases of the respiratory tract, antibiotics are required), since incorrect treatment can give complications, and the combination and reception of moletical and antitussive agents can lead to unpleasant consequences in the idea of \u200b\u200bbright blockage .

The article is familiarized in nature, before treatment it is necessary to consult with a specialist.

Comments leave a comment
Alina 05/12/2016 at 22:13

I was tormented by a dry cough and terribly tried in my throat. The rinsing of the throat with sage helped well, and from cough droplets. After the procedure, the throat is also well softened and the perfense passes. The dry cough becomes less obsessive and gradually passes.

Zoya 24/01/2017 at 22:55.

Radish juice with honey is a wonderful agent. The truth about it is not written. Indeed, from a cold cough the most. But it's not entirely right to deal with him. The medium virus itself is also needed to suppress. IFLUCHD for this is suitable for this. Optimally - four days of reception and illness did not happen.

Varvara 10/02/2017 at 13:49

I used to be also treated with folk remedies, and now with two children just missing time to even cook something. When coughing, I drink Stodal syrup, it is suitable for the treatment of any kind of cough and it is natural, so you can drink it to children.

Irina 04/08/2017 at 11:24

the best thing is not to engage in self-medication, but to contact the doctor. When I had a cough, I was prescribed Dr. Bronchobos, only I could flip off with him, and the cough began to go to no. This medicine and mucous bronchi restores, and this is important for recovery.

Kira 10/25/2017 at 20:43.

I somehow the bronchitis started the untreated cough. Two months coughed, it was terrible. Fortunately, the snapshot was clean. Now immediately starting treatment. I feel well helps, in bulk pills. Calked in water warm, drank and excellent. For several days and cough is declining.

Marina 04/29/2018 at 1:56.

Recently, it was just overwhelmed, she was saved by the syrup of bronchoplant from Evalar, natural harmless composition, affordable price compared to counterparts, and helps well, I had a strong cough in me in less than a week. And the children from the year it fits, the tribe in 2 years I saw with pleasure, and then such a baby medicine will not make a drink usually ...

    Lina 01/05/2018 at 15:27

    The bronchoplant truth helps, experienced literally recently recently overdone, a week it turned out from cough to almost get rid of, abundant warm drinking, fresh air and bathtub accepted. Some apparently the virus is now walking, because a lot of those who have got sick this month.

Ilvira 30/04/2018 at 22:50

Bale lame patching cough does not treat lowest

Lidia 08/30/2018 at 15:26

radish I skip through a meat grinder and mixing with honey. Juice Pugh. This juice even kills an infection in bronchi, no worse than the German Gedelix. And it costs such a medicine in a penny.

Pauline 12/09/2018 at 9:44.

In fact, the decoctions, for example, help weaker the same syrups - to compare the action of the branch of the leaves of ivy and syrup Gedelix. Broth almost two weeks need to drink. But if the cough is not strong, it is quite possible to do without pharmacy drugs.

Karina 10/11/2018 at 16:02

I all let go on the move: radish with honey, warm mineral water, honey, rinsing, inhalation, bronchobos from medicines The most good and bronchi is rapidly restored with him, mustard pieces. I can not stand cough.

Galina 04/04/2019 at 5:30 pm

I did not see anything special in bronchos ... in my opinion, ordinary syrup. Gedelix, for example, it helps much better.

Lily 06/21/2019 at 15:19

Each of his own, someone and from Gedelix effect will not see.

Ariadne 04/08/2019 at 8:39

I do not understand the people who are slightly drinking medicine. Well, you coughed once, why immediately grab hedelix. If it really fell ill, then yes, it is necessary to be treated, but you should not drink the medicine tons !!!

Zulu 09/15/2019 at 11:06.

Recently coughing overcame simply. Syrup helped (Orvis Broncho Timyan) and rinsing the throat with water diluted with hydrogen peroxide and salt. It seems to me that when coughing is always to solve the problem, you need to approximately kill microbes, and then treat the throat. Then there will be the result) I, by the way, there is no trace of cough))

Nastya 09/26/2019 at 15:58.

I need to find the radish yet, I have no one nowhere and did not even see (I live in a small town). We were a pediatrician to do mint with honey and Ivy or licorice extract, but it's somehow, it is already easier to Gedelix to buy with the same composition, especially since everything is praised it here so

Katerina 08/10/2019 at 23:15

About cough better with a doctor to consult. We somehow appointed a hedelix syrup with the cough, I use it now complete with the ACC. The main thing is to treat, the sputum displays unlike folk remedies

Olya 10/29/2019 at 14:12

With a cough, warm milk with honey before bedtime helps me, during the day, warm abundant drink in the form of tea or grasses. I still take in the pharmacy capsules bronchobos, he perfectly helps both cough cereal and running with him much faster.

    Vika 20/02/2020 at 16:04

    Yes, abundant drinking with cough must necessarily have, plus fresh air. If the cough is dry and does not sleep normally, then I then buy Floofort and they treat them, he perfectly moisturizes cough and takes a wet.

Lika 19/03/2020 at 16:57

If the cough is no temperature, then you can not count on the hospital. Well, if there is a possibility of just a couple, the top three seats at home and effortlessly. I try to drink as much as possible. Preparations love more vegetable. Well removes the sputum of Orvis Broncho Timyan. This is a medicament for the treatment of bronchitis, tracheitis, cough. You can children from 1 year. Tasty syrup, without a taste of bitterness.


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