Inhalation with soda at home

Inhalation with soda at home

One of the ancient and effective means to combat colds and viral diseases is the ordinary food soda. If you picked up cough, you have a runny nose, but at the same time the symptoms of colds pass without increasing the temperature, then do not rush to the pharmacy for advertised medicines, and try to apply inhalation with soda at home. Inhaled pairs with drug molecules very quickly envelop the mucous respiratory tract. You will feel relief after the first procedure. The evacuation of sputum improves, the attacks of the suffocating cough will fall, the swelling swelling will decrease.

Therapeutic effect of inhalation with soda

The main therapeutic properties when applying steam inhalation at home:

  • Eliminates the dryness of the nasopharynx.
  • Promotes the removal of sputum from the bronchi.
  • Prevents the rebirth of the disease into a chronic form.
  • Promotes the cleansing of the gaymorek sinuses.
  • Intensifies the recovery process.

Conditions for inhalation with tea soda

When conducting inhalations with soda, adhere to the following prescriptions:

  • To perform inhalation, we use only fresh water.
  • We carry out the procedure an hour before meals or two hours after eating.
  • Soda inhalation is equally effective both with the use of nebulizer, and the old method - above the pan with steam.
  • The temperature of water for the preparation of the solution should not exceed 60 degrees so that when inhaling do not burn the mucous membrane. Too hot water reduces the useful effect of soda.
  • Do not swallow air with a ferry excessively deeply. Breathing should remain measured.
  • The procedure should not last more than 10 minutes for adults and 4-5 minutes for children.
  • In the treatment of cough inhale pairs through the mouth and delay air saturated with drugs, in the chest for a couple of seconds.
  • In the treatment of nasopharynx diseases, breathe slowly, nose.
  • After inhalation, it is categorically not recommended to leave the room for an hour. It is advisable to comply with bedding.
  • Procedures for children are carried out under the tireless control of adults to avoid burning burns.
  • After inhalation, we move into dry clothes.

Recipes for inhalation solutions with soda when coughing

The main composition for inhalation remains unchanged: 1 tbsp. l. Soda per 1 liter of hot water. We prepare the basis of the composition, pour it into the metal container, cover your head with a large terry towel or a light blanket and breathe above the ferry.

In addition, such recipes are popular:

  • We add 2 drops of iodine to the main composition. The inhalation process repeat as described above.
  • Basic components mix with 3 drops of tea tree oil. The composition helps to cope with the viral cold.
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sage and 1 tbsp. l. Chamomile pharmacy brewed boiling water. Ten minutes later, add a tablespoon of soda to the decoction and begin inhalation.
  • 3 tbsp. l. Linden colors pour boiling water. Let it be on low heat for 5 minutes. Cool up to 60 degrees. Add 1 tbsp. l. soda. Inhalations with this solution are well purified by bronchi and struggle with pathogenic bacteria.
  • 1 tbsp. l. Math and stepmother leaves and 1 tbsp. l. The herbs of the plantain will be brewing a liter of boiling water, let it breed and add 1 tbsp. l. soda. Effective means for wet wet.

Recipes for solutions for inhalation with soda during routine and sinusitis

The main composition is the same: 1 liter of boiling water and 1 tbsp. l. soda. Features of preparation of medicines:

  • In the main composition I introduce 3 drops of fir oil. Inhalation is effective for cleansing the gaymorek sinuses.
  • In the main composition, we pour 1 tsp. Neucalyptus tincture. The solution removes the edema of the nasopharynx mucosa, contributes to the removal of exudate.
  • 2 tbsp. l. Kidneys and pine needles fill with a liter of boiling water, insist. Add 1 tbsp. l. Soda, heating up to 60 degrees. Inhalation by this composition normalizes breathing.
  • To the main solution, add 1 tsp. Propolis tincture. Wonderful antibacterial mixture for inhalations. It is used in the absence of allergies on beekeeping products!

Contraindications for inhalations

It is impossible to treat inhalations with the following diseases and states of the body:

  • Allergies to any of the components of the inhalation solution.
  • Temperature of the body is above 37 degrees.
  • Individual intolerance to medicinal substances.
  • The presence of purulent content in sputum.
  • Template to nasal bleeding.
  • Heavy diseases of cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

At the first signs of mawing in the cold season, use our recipes not to launch the disease. Be healthy!

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