Inhalation is a popular and effective method of treatment of colds, bronchitis and pneumonia. In addition to drugs used in nebulizers, many patients often resort to the use of essential oils. Indeed, inhalations with these substances quickly remove swelling of mucous membranes and contribute to improving the state of health. In this article we will tell you how to make inhalations with essential oils.
How the procedure is carried out
Many children make steam inhalations. That is how we treated my grandmothers. Usually water poured into the pan and brought to a boil. In boiling water laid medicinal herbs. Fir needles, Sage, Melissa and Chamomile were very popular. It was necessary to suffer to withstand the procedure, because to sit out 10 minutes above the saucepan with hot pairs under a blanket or a towel, it is not easy.
Now the manipulation has been simplified, because few people use herbs, they replaced their extracts from medicinal plants and essential oils. It is enough to drop in boiling water a few drops of the substance and breathe in pairs. In addition, steam inhalers have appeared on sale, which made the procedure safe.
Indications for the use of steam inhaler with essential oils
Making inhalation by a steam inhaler cannot at high temperature. In this case, use an ultrasonic or compressor nebulizer. Before you are inhaled, consult a doctor. Let he find out the cause and character of cough. If you cough due to allergies, then inhalation with essential oils can aggravate the situation. In addition, such inhalations are prescribed with dry cough. Only if the doctor diagnosed bronchitis, and there are difficulties with the removal of sputum, you can make inhalation with oils.
We treat dry cough
For inhalation on a liter of water, 3 drops of chamomile oil and eucalyptus are needed. The time of the procedure is 10 minutes. Use a steam inhaler or a saucepan, hide a towel. You can use for the procedure of a teapot with a narrow nap. Boil water in it and add the healing mixture. Turn the cone from the paper and insert into the nose. Attach a funnel to face and inhale pairs.
We treat wet cough
Such inhalation is effective with sicks in the chest. At the same time, the sputum is thick and poorly moving. To pour mucus in bronchi, use a mixture of eucalyptus oils and a tea tree. On liter boiling water you need three drops of each substance. To breathe pairs recommended 10 minutes.
Rubber and inhalation with oils
As you know, the cold usually begins with a cold. In this case, liquid transparent mucus flows from the nose. This content is allocated due to inflammation of almonds, nasal strokes and nasopharynses. To quickly get rid of the cold, you can use essential oils. The most effective is the mixture of fir, lavender and juniper oils. Extracts of these plants need to be added to a inhaler or a saucepan with boiling water in equal amounts. To improve the effect, add this mixture into the aroma. Please note inhalation with essential oils are prohibited by people who work in production with high dust in the air. These substances turn dust in the lungs and bronchops at the hardening.
Inhalation is a great and affordable method of treating ARVI, but before using any substance, consult your doctor.
A good thing, in fact. When I pain, always do them, perfectly helped the "nose to break." Although, of course, with a cold, everything is most important to find a good medicine, then she will retreat faster ... Also always buy Orvis Flu, because it is one of the few funds that sugar does not contain and pressure does not increase + additionally, of course, bedding and abundant drink. So it succeeds pretty quickly back to normal))