Mandarine oil how to use

Mandarine oil how to use

Mandarin's aromatic essential oil produce by cold pressed tangerine crust. This process is quite expensive, so the mandarine oil is not cheap. But for home use it takes a little, so you can afford to buy a small bottle and further use about the situation.

Application of tangerine oil at home

Like any aromatic oil, it can be used at:

  • cosmetic procedures;
  • treating certain diseases and their prevention;
  • standing of home textiles and aromatization of premises;
  • making culinary products.

Cosmetic procedures

The most common oil of mandarin is found in home cosmetology:

  1. Massage oil from stretch marks. 5 drops of mandarine oil mix with two tablespoons of peach or almond oil. Instead of mixing with more affordable oil, mandarin can mix with any massage cream. Make self-massage problem areas.
  2. Mask for dry hair. Caps 2-3 drops of tangerine oil into one spoon of hair balm and mix the mixture well. Use on washed wet hair.
  3. Oil from wrinkles. Take one teaspoon of the base oil (olive or peach) and add 2 drops of tangerine oil to it. Apply on the face after steam bath.
  4. Mask for leather whitening. Take 1 tsp. White clay, add to it a few drops of water so that the creamy mass is turned out. Add 10 drops of olive oil and 2 drops of mandarin oil. Stir and apply to those places where pigment spots are available.

Prevention and treatment of health disorders

Mandarin oil helps well with some health problems, but in no case should it be overwhelmed when used. In large quantities, it can cause allergies or severe headache. Use oil for:

  1. The treatment of insomnia. Put a few drops of oil in the aroma lamp and put it in the bedroom for 30 minutes before going to bed.
  2. Raising immunity. Mix 2 drops of mandarin oil with a teaspoon of honey and slowly eat this aromatic mixture. Do this every night during epidemics of colds or during convalescence.
  3. Inhalations with angina and a runny nose. The hot water drip 2 oil droplets. Lean over the bowl, cover head with a towel and breathe in the steam for 7-10 minutes.
  4. Normalization of the gastrointestinal tract work. In a cup of warm decoction of chamomile Put 1-2 drops of oil and liquid drink slow sips.
  5. Eliminate colic in young children. Mix a teaspoon of almond oil with a drop of tangerine and make a child very gentle massage tummy. Circular motions with his hands do only in a clockwise direction - this applies to any massage abdomen baby.

Aromatization and perfume

Space for flavoring oils (1-2 drops) add aroma lamp or soak them cotton cosmetic disc and place on a warm battery. clean oil for flavoring textiles is better not to use - after it may remain traces of fat. It is better to apply a few drops of it in a lot of cooking homemade soap. When the soap is ready, place a piece on the shelf with linens and towels. Or you can drop a few drops of oil in the balm rinse and pour it into the compartment of the washing machine.

Homemade cooking

Mandarin oil is good to add to sauces to fruit salads, jelly or any custard. 250 ml of the product take no more than two drops of oil. The dough for baking is better not to pour oil, because during heat treatment it can completely change the flavor.

Quality mandarin oil can not cost cheap. The average price of 10 ml ranges from 800 to 1000 rubles. If you see oil on sale is much cheaper, it is better to give up the purchase. Most likely, this is not a pure mandarin oil and mixed with cheaper.

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