Rosehip oil for face

Rosehip oil for face

We are accustomed to using a rose hips in the form of tea, infusion or pharmacy syrup. But in the same pharmacy you can also purchase a rosehip oil for outdoor use. The oil is suitable for maintaining the beauty of the skin and hair, because it has a lot of useful substances in concentrated form. Especially good roseberry oil for daily face care.

What is useful rosehip oil

Rosehip oil contains the most famous vitamins (A, C and E) that feed and rejuvenate the skin. In oil a lot of trace elements (manganese, magnesium, molybdenum, potassium, phosphorus, copper, calcium and strontium) - they are able to effectively improve the exchange inside the cells. And in oil there are useful fatty acids that hold moisture inside the cells.

Rosehip oil

The use of rich oil oil

On the face of the oil can be used with such problems:

  • debrity and wrinkles;
  • dryness and tightening;
  • peeling;
  • bags or bruises under the eyes;
  • enhanced pigmentation.

How to use butter oil on face

Rosehip oil is applied or in a pure form, or added to other facilities for the face:

  1. Rubbing. Moisten cotton swab and soft movement in the oil and soft movements. This procedure can be made instead of using the usual cream.
  2. Facial massage. Moisten the tips of the fingers and apply the means on the face of the driven movements.
  3. Healing appliqués. Apply a richberry oil to a gauze napkin and attach it to problem areas (redness after sunburn, cracked lips, insect bites).
  4. Current care oil. In a small sterile container, take 2 tablespoons of oil and add 6 drops of liquid vitamin A and E. Use the tool instead of the eye cream.
  5. Enriching cream. In any daily cream drip oil and mix the mixture well. On one teaspoon of cream, take 4 drops of oil.

Face masks with rosehip butter

All masks with rose hips can be used not only for the face, but also for hands. In the hands of them need to keep 5 minutes more, because there is more rough skin:

  1. Mask for flabby skin. Distribute two raw yolk with one teaspoon of oil. On the face of the mask, hold 10 minutes.
  2. Mask for fading skin. Two tablespoons of oatmeal filled with hot milk (40 ml) and wait until the mixture cools. Add rose rose oil into the opened oatmeal (1 h. L.) And apply to the face for 15 minutes.
  3. Mask against edema. In one teaspoon of oil, stir the tablespoon of wheat bran and fill the weight of the nettle with a decoction. Hold him so much so that the mask gets quite thick. Keep it on your face 12-15 minutes.
  4. Mask for dry skin. Take 2 tbsp. l. Children's cream and mix it with aloe juice (1 tsp), oil vitamin B2 (10 drops), olive oil (20 drops) and rosehip oil (10 drops). On the face of the mask, apply a very thin layer and keep it for 10 minutes. Wash out the mask with warm water without soap. After this mask, the face is additionally smeared with cream.


Rosehip can not be used on the face whose skin is fat or prone to acne. Rosehip oil is a rather strong allergen, so if you have its intolerance, it is better to refuse it.

Rosehip oil at home

Rosehip oil can be made independently, and not buy it in a pharmacy. For this, dry rose robberry, remove the bones and spiny hairs out of it and fold the dark red dry halves to the floor of a liter jar. Fill it on one third, the remaining volume fill in high-quality olive oil. Close the jar with a lid, wrap the dark paper and keep 21 days in the storage room. After 3 weeks, drain the beautiful and fragrant oil into a dark bottle and start using it for its intended purpose.


Rosehip oil is considered the best for age-related women, as it has a powerful regenerating and restoring effect. Cosmetologists recommend using it to women who oversail a forty-five-year-old frontier. The young girls oil can be used only in exceptional cases - burns, wounds and other similar problems.

Comments leave a comment
Nastya 24/04/2021 at 8:27

Try it to find it more .... It's possible to meet the oil very rarely. But in general, of course, I treat them skeptical, because it is clogged by pores. Where it is more useful in this regard will be collagen. And inside them to feed the body much more efficiently. I am Evalarovsky in the form of marmalade loyal. It is a kind of candy, so the tea comes with a bang. Helps the skin to maintain tightened, smooth and smooth. Even small wrinkles smoothes.


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