Mask with glycerin for face

Mask with glycerin for face

So that your face is always smooth and well-groomed, it is desirable to "indulge" masks. Unlike simple cream application, masks provide deeper penetration of nutrients into the skin. Masks of the house can be made from what you have at hand, naturally, strictly observing the recipe. Well, of course, it is only the freshest ingredients. This also applies to glycerin, which is often part of the masks and has its own storage. Before making it in one or another mask, be sure to make sure of its fitness - usually it ranges from 40 to 60 months. With the slightest suspicion that glycerin can be overdue, refuse to buy it.

Who are suitable glycerin masks

Masks with glycerin can be made to those women whose skin and dry, and normal. For oily skin glycerin, it is possible to use, but not as often as for other types. This is explained by the increased fatty funds. Masks, except on the face, can be applied to the zone of neckline - the skin here also needs active care. Below we will tell, what masks based on glycerin can be done for the face. Before applying any mask, the person needs to be cleaned from cosmetics and displeate over a ferry of 10 minutes. If the skin on the face is very thin and vulnerable, then the steam bath should be made only 5 minutes, and the masks from glycerol keep 5 minutes less than indicated in the recipe.

Moisturizing mask

Take two complete tablespoons of water and pour one tea glycerin to it. Mix the mixture by introducing egg crude yolk. Mask on the face and neck hold until you feel easy tightening of the skin. Wash out the skin with the skin of the water temperature and apply the usual nourishing cream.

Moisturizing mask with whitening effect

In the water bath heating glycerin and honey. Pour one tablespoon of the first component into the bowl of the first component and one teaspoon - the second. Add three tablespoons of chilled boiled water and stirred thoroughly. Apply a mask on the face through massage lines and keep it fifteen minutes to twenty minutes. Wash the chamomile decoction mask.

Mask for very dry skin

For this mask, you will need to pre-boil one medium-sized potatoes. Next, prepare a mask like this:

  1. Hot boiled potatoes Clean the skins, break it with a fork and mix with a small amount of hot milk. As a result, you must have a puree mass.
  2. Take one tablespoon of this puree and pour so much olive oil into it - mix.
  3. Add honey (1 tsp), one crude yolk, on a teaspoon of boiled water and glycerin.

Like previous tools, keep your face mask from 15 to 20 minutes.

Mask toning

Cut from lemon circle, 5 ml thick. Grind it along with the leather and add to the acidic component of water (2 tbsp. L.) And glycerol (1 tbsp.). Then pour one tablespoon of cream in the mask and put one raw yolk. Stir carefully and apply for 10-15 minutes. Wash the mask with water mixed with milk (proportion 1/1).

Increased fat skin mask

Mix half a teaspoon of glycerol with two tablespoons of warm water. In a liquid mass, add cosmetic clay (white or green) and stir up to a homogeneous state. Watch that the mass is not very thick, but resembled cream. Keep the mask on the face of 15 minutes, and then you will smear the decoction of herbs that helps get rid of fatty (nettle or chamomile).

Cleansing mask

This mask is good to remove from the face of black dots:

  1. In one hundred milliliters, boiling water brew one tablespoon of dry birch kidney.
  2. In a lean warm decoction, put half a tablespoon of white clay and stir the mixture.
  3. Drip into the camphor alcohol mask (3 drops) and pour glycerol (0.5 hd.).

Instead of the above-described mask, black dots you can remove with gelatin mask.

In addition to face masks, with glycerin you can make masks and hair. About the compositions and methods of application Read in our article "Hair mask with glycerin".

Comments leave a comment
Olga 23/04/2021 at 7:45.

I noticed that such masks are much more efficient if the Evalarovsky collagen is necessarily used with them in the form of marmalade pupines. I feel several times a day for 2 candy. Tasty and useful-shape is hydrolyzed, so the maximum absorption. The skin is smooth and smooth. In the online store phytomarket buy, there is always in stock.

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