White clay masks for face

White clay masks for face

White clay (kaolin) in cosmetology is very popular thanks to its valuable properties: smoothes the skin of the face, improves blood circulation, whitens, struggles with inflammation of the skin. Therefore, the face masks from white clay is very beneficial to the condition of the skin, which results in fresh and velvety.

What is useful white clay

In white clay, valuable minerals include silicon rejuvenates the face, aluminum dry fat skin, manganese removes irritation due to disinfectant property.

Thus, a white clay mask helped solve several skin problems at once:

  • whitening the skin, helping to cope with pigment stains;
  • soothes irritated skin;
  • struggles with acne;
  • narrows pores, removing the fat shine;
  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • improves blood flow;
  • cleans from the upper contaminants and dead cells.

However, even if there is a large number of positive properties, you should know how to handle clay and use it as a face mask.

Cooking masks

White clay, as a rule, can be bought at the pharmacy, in the package, the instructions for use must be attached. With the right use of Kaolin, the cosmetic effect will manifest itself almost immediately. The procedure consists of several steps:

  1. White powder is casting in warm water or, for example, a chamomile brave, milk and other things.
  2. Before the procedure, make cleaning of the face: spark it and handle the scrub.
  3. Apply white clay on the face, in the directions of massage lines.
  4. Hold about 15 minutes.
  5. Remove the mask using money for washing.
  6. If necessary, repeat the mask in a few days.

White clay mask for oily skin

The main problems encountered with greasy skin - acne or acne. In this case, the white clay masks will be as ever, as they help to remove the surplus of the skin from the face and narrow the pores. The color of the face becomes better and the inflammation.

When adding additional ingredients to the mixture of Kaolin, the effect of exposure will be maximal.

Basic components:

  • white clay - 1 spoon;
  • protein -1 pcs.;
  • honey -1 teaspoon;
  • lemon juice - a few drops.

Method of preparation and use:

  1. Prepare a mixture of clay and water. The thickness should be approximately like a liquid test.
  2. Put the protein, honey and lemon juice and mix.
  3. Enter on the face and hold for 10 minutes.
  4. At the end, rinse with water.

White clay mask for dry skin

Kaolin masks are also good for dry skin. White clay smoothes the skin, makes smooth and silky.

Basic components:

  • kaolin - 1 spoon;
  • fresh honey - 10 g

Method of preparation and use:

  1. Prepare a mixture of clay and water.
  2. Enter on the face and hold for 10 minutes.
  3. After washing off, moisten the skin with cream.

White clay masks recipes

If there are certain skin problems, then choose the appropriate recipe for a white clay mask.

Mask at inflammation

Basic components:

  • kaolin - 1 spoon;
  • talc - 1 spoon;
  • milk - 1 spoon.

Method of preparation and use:

  1. Prepare a mixture of clay and water and add additional ingredients.
  2. Enter on the face and hold 20 minutes.

Mask with the addition of cucumbers from pigmentation

Basic components:

  • kaolin - 2 spoons;
  • cucumber juice - 1 spoon.

Method of preparation and use:

  1. Mix cucumber juice with clay.
  2. Enter on the face and hold 20 minutes.

Thus, white clay masks have a multifaceted effect on the skin of the face, struggling with many unpleasant manifestations: acne, pigment spots, wrinkles, peeling.

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