Lemon - cytrus culture with high content of vitamin C, fruit acids and pectic substances. This composition allows lemon to take a worthy place not only in a number of useful food, but also in cosmetology. In addition to rich vitamin composition, this sour fruit owns the ability to clean, bleach, rejuvenate and disinfect, therefore has a complex effect on the skin. Masks with fresh lemon juice can be very easy to cook at home and solve many problems without resorting to the help of salon expensive procedures.
The effects of lemon juice on the skin
Lemon is good for any type of skin, the main thing is to correctly select the concomitant components. Especially lemon masks are useful if you do the age-related skin changes, excessive solidity or pigment stains.
By adding lemon juice into a mask, you will saturate it with the following components:
- vitamin C (contributes to the development of collagen, has antioxidant properties);
- vitamin A and folic acid (successfully oppose inflammatory processes);
- potassium (reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands and maintains a normal level of moisture);
- fruit acids (possess exfoliative properties).
It is thanks to these components, lemon masks produce an excellent rejuvenating, toning, whitening and anti-inflammatory effect.
Indications for use and contraindications
Like any cosmetic product, lemon masks have their own testimony and contraindications.
The maximum benefit of the mask with lemon is brought at:
- increased skin pigmentation;
- fading skin with reduced tone;
- oily skin;
- problem skin, acne rams.
Lemon masks are contraindicated with:
- tendency to allergic reactions;
- open wounds;
- runting rashes;
- different tumors.
Lemon juice is a rather aggressive substance and can be a strong allergen for you, so carefully be careful.
Lemon masks for oily skin
Lemon juice refreshing, softens, matures and disinfects oily skin:
- First option: Add juice with a whipped egg yolk, squeezed from a whole lemon and 1 tsp. Felt zest. Mix with 3 h. L. Fastened oatmeal. Apply a thick layer for 10 minutes. This mask perfectly bleach, remove irritation and soften the skin.
- Second version: Egg protein well stirred with 1 tsp. spoon of fresh lemon juice. Add two spoons of bran. Keep the mask on the face of 10 minutes.
Lemon Masks for Normal Skin
For normal skin masks with lemon worth applying no more than 3 times a month:
- Mitigating Mask: Eggs Yolk Mix with Half Lemon Juice, add 1 tsp. vegetable oil. Keep the mask on the face of 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm milk.
- Nourishing mask: whole lemon juice Mix with 2 tbsp. l. Honey. Apply a thick layer on the napkin, attach to the face by a quarter of an hour. Clear warm water.
Lemon Masks for Dry Skin
Lemon juice is good for softening, moisturizing and normalizing cellular exchange in dry skin:
- Whitening: Paul lemon with flesh, grind with a blender, connect from 1 tbsp. l. Flower honey. Apply the fat nutritional cream onto the pure face, the resulting mass. After 15 minutes, remove the mask with your cotton swab.
- Egg-lemon: add 1 tsp for egg yolk. Warm Olive Oil, 1/2 h. l. Lemon juice and 1/2 h. l. water. Pretty sweat. Apply the resulting composition on the skin with a thin layer, wait until the layer snacks and apply the next one. After a quarter of an hour, remove the wet tampon.
Lemon-sour cream mask for fading skin
This mask pulls the contour of the face, perfectly refreshes and tones, small wrinkles smoothed out, bright pigment stains. Fresh lemon juice Stir with sour cream 20% fat in equal parts (for example, two for two hours l.). Apply the mixture on a quarter of an hour on the skin of the face. Remove the wet woven tampon.
Having tried lemon masks, you will appreciate their miraculous impact on the skin. And for sure, take for yourself the recipes for maintaining your beauty and youth.
Are you not afraid of such a mask to do? It seems to me it can burn the skin ... herself would not risen. In general, I am not practicing them for a long time .... If I do, only in the cabin. The only thing that regularly helps its skin is the fact that it is thoroughly Evalarovsky collagen in the form of marmalade loyal. It helps to feed the skin from the inside, improves the synthesis of collagen, which after 25 goes off. It is very important to maintain youth.