Oatmeal face mask

Oatmeal face mask

Homemade face masks are good because they are easy to prepare from affordable ingredients, and they do not inferior to the skin in their effect on the skin. Today we will talk about oatmeal masks that are suitable for all skin types. It depends on what additional components you will use.

Dry-skin mask

Take 1 tbsp. l. Oatmeal and 2 tbsp. l. Sour cream or natural yogurt. All mix and wait until the flakes will scatter. To the resulting mixture, pour 1 tsp. Olive oil and apply a mask on pre-cleaned face skin. Keep a mask for 20 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.

Fatty skin mask

2 tbsp. l. Oatmeal flakes in a mortar or ground in a coffee grinder. Wrap one chicken protein and 5-6 lemon juice drops. Mix the protein and oatmeal and apply a thin layer mask on the face. After the first layer serves a little (it will take 4-5 minutes), apply the second layer of the mask. Keep the mixture on the face for another 10 minutes, and then beware of cool acidic water.

Normal skin mask

2 tbsp. l. Oatmeal mix with 1 tbsp. l. Warm milk and 1 tbsp. l. Puree from the melt of Banana. Apply a mask on your face and keep it until you feel that the mask begins to push the skin. Remove it from the skin with a soft napkin, wet in warm water.

Skin Mask

Such a mask is suitable for girls who have acreled inflamed rashes on the face. Mix 1 tbsp. l. Oatmeal with warm water to the state of a rare casher. When the mixture increases in size, apply it on your face and keep 10-15 minutes. If the mask dries too fast and starts to pull the skin, then put a wet napkin on the face. Wash out such a mask with water room temperature.

Mask for irritated skin

This mask is suitable for very thin skin, which reacts strongly to exposure to the sun, wind or frost. Heat 3 tbsp. l. Stir in milk and in it 1 tbsp. l. gentle oatmeal. After the flakes are almost dissolved in the milk, add 5-6 drops mask Vitamin A in oil (sold in pharmacies) or 1 h. L. fresh carrot juice. Keep this mask on your face just 7-10 minutes.

The mask for aging skin

Mix in piala olive oil and liquid honey - take their 1 tsp.. Add to the mixture 1 raw egg yolk, and as oatmeal, to get not very dense mass. Soak the mask in the container 5 minutes - during which time the mass becomes more viscous, and then apply it on your face. Do this mask a couple of times a week, a month, your skin will look much younger and brighter.

Mask of wrinkles

Take all the ingredients for 1 st. l. - milk, oatmeal, fresh white chicken or quail eggs. Add 1 h. L. honey and lemon juice. Apply the mask on your face, and do not forget about the neck. Keep the mixture to dry, and then wash with water, mixed with milk (ratio 1/1).

Mask for all skin types with a tonic effect

In a deep bowl Stir in 4 tbsp. l. oatmeal and fill them with boiling water (6 tablespoons. l.). Until the water has cooled, beat a lot of kitchen whisk - get jelly-like mask. Interpret in a mortar and 2 tbsp. l. fresh mint leaves and add them in a container of oatmeal. Once again mix well and apply on face. Wash it after 15 minutes of cool water.

General tips

To facials were really helpful, follow these rules:

  • Apply all the masks, not just oatmeal, only a well-cleaned skin.
  • When the mask is already applied, be sure to lie down on the bed or sofa and relax as much as possible.
  • At the time of the adoption of the mask do not talk with others.
  • Rinse the mask is very gentle movements and try to do it in the direction of the massage lines.

To be beautiful and well maintained, not necessarily to attend specialized salons. Treat your face with products that have in every kitchen. But never use expired - they are likely to inflict harm than make your face radiant and fresh.

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