Mail mask

Mail mask

All known, what raspberries possessed amazing healing properties, thanks to availability vitamins and antioxidants. Exactly that's why raspberries attracted attention cosmetologist, a also found wide application v rejuvenating cosmetic means.


Raspberries maybe boast of presence such vitamins:

  • Potassium is an good humidifier, which the aligns balance skin.
  • Retinol replies per rejuvenation cells skin, a also possessed antimicrobial and soothing action.
  • Tocopherol known how natural antioxidant, slowing aging cells skin.
  • Vitamin N. helps normalize exchange process v skin.
  • Folic acid protects skin from ultraviolet and strengthens her immunity.
  • Nicotinic acid replies per tone skin, a also per healthy natural tint.
  • Vitamin WITH promotes developing elastina, thanks to whom leather acquires elasticity.

Oily skin

Such leather how never needs v special care and nutrition. These recipes help cope with with annoying brilliant on the lying:

  • Indispensable assistant v fight with brilliant on the lying will be cleaning mask. V compound her includes: 2 spoon malinovoy puree. and 1 a spoon rice or wheat flour. Ready mix covered face, a then wash cool water, laying 20 minutes.
  • Ideal by decision v care per fatty skin persons will be belkovomalinovaya mask. Take 1 spoon berry keschitsy and mix with egg belkom., yogurt and kefir.. Good mix all components and ready mix lubricate face. Laying 15 minutes wash warm water. To achieve narrowing pore, enough v mask. add 1 tea. spoon juice lemon..


for dry skin

Enough frequent phenomenon, when leather becomes dry v strength different factors. To reassure her and moisturize, using these masks:

  • Dry leather requires permanent moisturizing. Good by decision v it is case will mask from two spoon berry raspberries, mixed with one yolkom. Here same we enter 1 spoon olive oil and 1 spoon oat flour. Ready mixture apply on the 1520 minutes and wash warm water.
  • Fine nuts and refreshing face curdhoney mask. Take 2 spoon malinovoy juice and add on spoon honey and cottage cheese and okay stirring. Then apply on the face on the 15 minutes and remove residues cool water.


Normal leather

It seemed would, normal skin itself nature granted all, thread no less and she requires care although would once v week:

  • Freshness and lifting face present monocomponent mask from raspberries. For of this massing their and press extra juice. Obtained berry mass covered face on the 15 minutes, excluding region eye. After what wipe face moist vATUM disk. Similar mask. apply not more 4 once v week, but costs remember, what raspberries possessed whitening property.
  • Tone and nutrition provide mask, v compound which entered oatmeal flakes. Take their v quantity 1 dining room spoon and brew on the milk. We enter pair spoon malinovoy puree. and apply on the face on the 20 minutes. After what residues wash water.

for all types skin

These masks become pleasant supplement v care o sore lying:

  • Scrub is an best assistant v daily cleaning skin, a also refreshing her, giving healthy tint. US need 1 c.. l.. hercules flakes and six berry raspberries. Berries massing v puree. and stirring with flakes. Face preliminary wetting water and then apply scrub. Massagon 5 minutes and remove residues warm water.
  • Mountain mask not only hevelop skin, but and uKLAN her per check regeneration cells. For her cooking uS need a spoon mountain tincture, mixed with malinov puree.. To mask opened more thick, add little oat flour. Make such mask. two times v week on 20 minutes.

Malinovaya mask needless each woman, independently from age. Armed such mask, you not only observe healthy and fresh view, but and help skin prepare to winter cold.

Comments leave a comment
Irina 25/04/2021 at 11:18.

Such a mask really gives the tone and freshness of the skin .... But for its nutrition and moisturizing is not enough, collagen is important. I always buy Evalarovsky with a dosage of 6000 mg and vitamin C. He has a great assimilation, so only him and take it. Plus at a price more profitable analogues. This is just what is needed to prevent premature aging. I order a phytomarket in the online store, very convenient.


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