Grapefruit Face

Grapefruit Face

The flesh of the grapefruit contains all known vitamins and minerals, which are suitable for skin care. Especially good with this citrus pamper the person who first suffered from all kinds of natural disasters, and age-related changes. Grapefruit is remarkable for the fact that he sold in stores all year round - problems with its purchase just does not happen.

What is useful in grapefruit

Most grapefruit these nutrients:

  • Vitamin C. This vitamin is responsible for the production of collagen that makes skin elastic and does not form wrinkles. The most famous vitamin also promotes the healing of any wounds, strengthen blood vessels, and resorption of hemorrhages.
  • Vitamin B9 (folic acid). Disclaims any symptoms of inflammation and acts as a powerful antioxidant.
  • Potassium. It is responsible for the hydration of the skin and prevents moisture to evaporate.
  • Organic acids. Whiten the skin and smooth out its damaged structure.

Mask of grapefruit is good at any time of the year. They will put in order the skin and after a heavy frost, and after irradiation with active summer sunlight. In the spring of grapefruit saturate face vitamins after winter beriberi, and in the fall will help to ensure that in the deeper layers of the skin formed of mineral substances.

What problems solves grapefruit

With the help of masks of grapefruit, you can:

  • restore natural complexion;
  • clear signs beriberi (dryness and peeling);
  • get rid of acne;
  • smooth out wrinkles.

Most good mask

Before doing any mask, conduct a test for sensitivity to this citrus. Because it is very rich in vitamin C, the delicate skin of the face mask can respond to a rash and itching. Take a bit of pure grapefruit juice and apply it on the gauze. Attach it on the inside of the elbow bend and hold for 10 minutes. If the skin remains clean, the mask can do.

A mask that rejuvenates the skin

For masks, mix in equal proportions of juice and olive oil - enough to take them on a large spoon. Pour so much rice flour to get sour cream. Keep the mask on the face of 10 minutes. You can do flour from rice: crush the rice on the coffee grinder and seek through the smallest siter.

Mask which will moisturize the skin

Sull grapefruit juice and take it one tablespoon. Mix the liquid with a teaspoon of honey and add to the mask of raw yolk. Mask on the face superimpose for 15 minutes.

Mask that will remove excessive skin fatty

Fresh grapefruit juice Mix with the belonging - as a result you should have a mass like a thick sour cream. Mask exposure time is 10-15 minutes.

Mask which will do

Take a spoon of sour cream, add the as many grapefruit juice to it - all mix. Complete the preparation of a cosmetic tool by introducing one egg yolk. The mask will be effective if on the face she will remain 15 minutes.

Mask that raises skin tone

Place 2 tablespoons of oat flakes in the bowl of the blender. When they turn into flour, add a small handful of fresh parsley to them - a mass. Pour two tablespoons of grapefruit juice - mix once again on small turns. Mask apply on the face for 15-20 minutes.

Mask, which revirts skin

If you do not have an additional ingredient for the selected mask, you can make the express procedure with only one juice. Sull the aromatic useful liquid and plunge the gauze napkin into it. Enter the fabric on the face and keep no more than 7 minutes - the clean juice is not worth keeping on your face.

Cosmetic ice from excess grapefruit juice

The fruits of grapefruit are usually very large, and there are a lot of juice. It will not need it for the mask, so you can stock other no less useful cosmetic agent. Mix juice and clean water in equal proportions. Fluid pour over molds for ice and freeze. Use ice after normal washing. Grapefruit ice will pull the skin, brighten the pigment spots, remove wrinkles.

Any masks with grapefruit juice make a couple of times a week and after full cleansing of the face. Ice use daily. If you follow these recommendations, after a month you will not recognize your face - it will become fresh, shining and velvety.

Comments leave a comment
Ulyana 07/02/2021 at 12:54.

Citrus, all the same ... it seems to me, can damage the skin, burn it. I myself would definitely not risen. I myself care only by biorevitalization courses and the fact that the marine collagen from Evalar is on a regular basis. I take it, because it is enriched with vitamin C for better assimilation. In the online store, I order phytomarket, it is more convenient. Soft and smooth skin, no wrinkles))


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