Apple mask for face

Apple mask for face

Often we stand in thought before long shelves with cosmetic facial care products, choosing a mask or cream that will be returned or will preserve our beauty and youth. Meanwhile, really effective and at the same time, absolutely natural masks can be made with their own hands from quite affordable ingredients. For example, from the most popular fruit in the world - apple.

How does an apple act on the skin

The use of apple use is known to everyone - they are rich in pectins and organic acids, contain almost all vitamins and more than 30 microelements are saturated with phytoncides and essential oils. Such a composition has a beneficial effect on the state of the skin, having a moisturizing, antiseptic, protective and bleaching effect. Plus, the apple has invaluable in terms of rejuvenation and the struggle with wrinkles with antioxidant properties, tonic, increasing elasticity, stimulating blood circulation and removing swelling.

How to apply an apple face mask

Depending on how to combine the main ingredient, that is, an apple, you can count on the diverse effect of masks: they can solve the problem of dry skin or vice versa - fat, tighten the skin and dissolve wrinkles, remove inflammation and remove pigmentation. At the same time, keep in mind that if you have very sensitive skin, such a saturated with vitamin C elixir can cause not only unpleasant feeling when applied, but also irritation. Regarding the rules of application: like any other mask, apple also need to be applied to pre-cleaned skin, rinse with water temperature and fix with a special cream (nutrient, clarifying, for problem skin, with anti-age effect). To obtain a visible result, conduct such fruit procedures 1-2 times a week.

"Moldivny" apple masks

Not in vain in many of our fairy tales, these fruits act as a "Molding" - our ancestors knew how effective apples are in terms of preserving and maintaining beauty and health. We suggest you try 2 miracle recipe for rejuvenating apple masks. Recipe No. 1: Mix the puree from fresh apple with cream (50 ml), warm them on fire for 3-4 minutes, cool and leave half an hour. Apply such a composition on the face half an hour. Recipe number 2: Mix the puree from the baked apple, any vegetable oil (3 tbsp), honey (3 tbsp.) And lay a mixture on your face for 10-20 minutes.

Apple Masks for Problem Skin

Apple masks - a great way to get rid of your skin from rashes. You can do this in several ways. For example, make a mask from the freshly squeezed juice of the apple (1 tbsp.), Cucumber (1 tbsp) and lemon (1 tbsp), mixing them with a protein of fresh chicken egg. Or another simple recipe: connect the puree from one fresh apple with honey (2 tbsp), mix well. The selected mask version apply generously on the face, but carefully, to additionally do not injure the skin with rashes, for 10-15 minutes.

Refreshing apple masks for face

No less effectively apple and with refreshing effect on the skin. Therefore, in order to give your skin freshness and healthy radiance, use one of these recipes for home procedures. Make a puree from a fresh apple, add to it sour cream (1 tsp) and starch (also 1 tsp), mix all the components to a homogeneous mass and hold on the face of 20 minutes. No less visible is the use of a cocktail mask from grated fresh apple, carrots and cucumbers taken after half. The time of applying such a cocktail is also 20 minutes.

Apples for food dry skin and reduce fat

To normalize the condition of your skin and remove the feeling of dryness and peeling, you can apply an apple mask of such a composition: puree from one fresh apple + 1 tsp. Honey + 1 raw yolk + 0.5 ppm Any vegetable oil + 2 drops of lemon juice. Mix all the components and apply a lot of 20 minutes. If you have opposite tasks - adjust the work of the sebaceous glands and reduce the fatty skin of the face, then you need another recipe: Mix the puree from a fresh apple and a protein of 1 raw chicken egg. The time of optimal impact of such a mask is 25 minutes.

As you can see, apple masks are very diverse and in composition, and by influence on our skin. At the same time, they are quite accessible and very effective. Therefore, we advise you to use these gifts of nature not only inside as food, but also as an outdoor cosmetics.

Comments leave a comment
Ira 12/11/2019 at 10:44.

I adore this mask, I do on a regular basis, very effective. But it is necessary to understand that only outdoor care is not able to enrich the skin to enrich everything than necessary, completely. That is why I still have a necessarily hyaluronic acid Evalarovskaya accepting and multivitamins. Just so you can save youth))

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