Apple hair mask

Apple hair mask

Few people can imagine that luxurious and healthy hair is possible to have due to the use of an ordinary apple. Juicy fruit is used not only for the preparation of compote and jam, and also performs a lot of favorable functions as the main ingredient of hair care masses. In this case, its unique natural elements are able to replace a number of expensive cosmetics. We learn more, what effect apple masks can produce on our hair.

Useful composition of apple

Apple flesh is one of the most delicious and useful for our body, since it stimulates the acceleration of metabolism and affects the acidity of internal organs. The same thing happens with our hair. Apple fibers cause to regenerate all damaged areas of the scalp and fill the pores of vital substances due to their rich composition. The usual apple contains:

  • Vitamin A and retinolic acids that remove inflammation and eliminate the first signs of dandruff, which in turn is an excellent prevention of seborrhea.
  • Folic acids are excellent defenders of our hair from the external adverse environmental conditions, for example, from harsh changes of weather conditions that cause significant damage to hair health.
  • Ascorbinka - this vitamin is responsible for the full structure of the hair, gives elasticity and elasticity of the hair thread.
  • Vitamin K supports the bright color and shine of the chapels.
  • Natural iron creates a balance of trace elements that ensure the correct circulation of blood and oxygen blood vessels.
  • Potassium holds moisture in cells, does not give hair to dry.
  • Apple acids have a general firing effect.

General recommendations for the use of apples

In order for the procedure to make the most efficient, you need to know the following features of the use of fruit:

  1. The most useful will be recently torn apples, so if there is your garden plot, we will collect fruits immediately before the process start.
  2. Fruits must necessarily be ripe, color and grade is not important.
  3. On only natural components should be included in the apple mask, and no chemistry should be.
  4. For masks, do not use the peel and the core of the apple.
  5. Apple Kashitsa quickly darkens, so there is no need to slow down with applying it on the hair.

Cooking apple masks

The procedure for performing an apple mask:

  1. Prepare fruits. An apple on an average grater and immediately mix it with all the desired components.
  2. We make a five-minute test for intolerance. A mixture of smearing any small portion of sensitive skin, and if irritation does not occur, the procedure is continuing further.
  3. Do not flock over before applying an apple mask, since natural fat will protect the hair from oversaturated with acids.
  4. Before applying a mask, we wat the hair to be ladder.
  5. We distribute the content over the entire length of the hair and gently on the roots, without rubbing the mixture into the scalp.
  6. Hold the mask no more than half an hour.
  7. We wash off the cool running water or a Romashkovy decoction.
  8. After the procedure, we moisturize the hair with a nutrient cream.

Apple Mask Recipes

Due to the specifically aggressive effect of fruit acids, the apple itself is not used alone. Optimally in a mask to it add basic products that produce positive or neutral effects on the hair.

Honey-apple mask

One tablespoon of chopped apple connect with the same spoon of honey, heat out a bit on fire and put on the hair. This mixture is perfectly impregnated with the televure with the useful substances.

Skin Mask with Apple

Take one egg yolk and overheat it with cottage cheese. We will add a spoonful of apple cashem and distribute the hair. This mask will perform the prevention of dandruff.

Milk-apple mask

To implement this mask, it is enough to mix the grated apple with milk, kefir or cream. You can add olive oil there. This composition will help smooth out the strands, moisten them and remove all the prerequisites for hair loss.

Why caught hair tips

Apple mask and potatoes

At the same time grind the purified apple and potatoes on the blender and get a ready-made mask paste. It is especially suitable for oily hair, because it perfectly cleans her hair from an excess fat layer.

It turns out that an apple is a fairly useful fruit in cosmetic hair treatments, but their proper use cannot be held without the use of the above-described tips.

Comments leave a comment
Elvira 07/02/2021 at 12:53.

Masks masks, but the benefit will not be, if you do not feed your hair from the inside. In this regard, I really like collagen sea from Evalar. I always take it only, because the dosage is large-6000mg and vitamin C is enriched for even greater assimilation. With him, the hair was soft, smooth and silky)) only the masks of such an effect were not given.

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