Hair mask with olive oil how to use

Hair mask with olive oil how to use

Women from southern countries have always been famous for beautiful and healthy hair. The secret of this beauty was pretty simple - they have long been to care for the skin of the head they used olive oil rich in various vitamins. Nowadays, this valuable product is available to Slavic beauties. How to use olive oil, what useful hair masks can be prepared on it - we will tell about it in the article.

Cosmetic value of oil from Olive fruits

Olive oil is one of the few foods, which is absorbed by the human body in almost one hundred percent volume. It is richly basic for cosmetology vitamins A and E.
Thanks to the antioxidant vitamin A, the olive oil protects the hair from the unfavorable environmental effect, contributes to their better growth, strengthening hair bulbs and feeding the scalp. Vitamin E is struggling with aging of skin and hair. Useful Omega 6 and Omega 9 acids provide regeneration both skin cover and each hairs. In general, the use of olive oils in hair care provides them with silkness, shine and chic appearance.

Olive oil

Classic nutritious hair mask recipe

To prepare a hair mask on a classic recipe, completely simple ingredients will be needed:

  • 40 g Olive oil;
  • 20 g of jojoba oil (or shi).

Butter mix in a comfortable ass, slightly heat the mixture in the microwave or on a water bath and still tremble. Hair is collected in a bundle, cover with a towel and keep so around two hours. You can even leave for the night. This remedy should not only rub into the skin of the head, but also apply over the entire length of the hair, paying special attention to dry tips. A mixture of two very valuable oils - olive and jojoba - after several applications, it gives hair shine and radiance.

How to deal with hair loss with olive oil

Due to the rich in the vitamin complex and the content of fatty acids, olive oil in connection with other useful components helps effectively fight hair loss and even starting baldness.

To prepare such a mask you will need:

  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil;
  • 1 tablespoon of the rapid oil;
  • 1 teaspoon of freshly pendant lemon juice (not purchased concentrate).

In warm olive oil add ray and lemon juice. All components are stirred and cautious movements on the scalp, intensively rubbing the hair roots or appear ones. The mask is kept about 40-60 minutes, after which we wash off.


Mask for prevention and disposal of sequentants

If the seed tips did not become a massive phenomenon and only something appears, then for the prevention before washing the head, it is enough to apply a little olive oil to the ends of the hair and hold 15-20 minutes. In the case when the hair becomes a victim of the daily use of hot hairdryers and begin to severely disappear from excessive dryness, a more complex mask will solve the problem, for the preparation of which is needed:

  • 40 g of olive oil;
  • 20 g of apple vinegar (as a last resort, you can use a table);
  • 1 yolk.

Ingredients mix, we apply a wide brush on strands, retreating from the roots of 7-10 centimeters. We wear a hat for the soul on the head, turn the towel. Mask wash off 30-40 minutes.

Olive and eggs

List of olive oil masks recipes are inexhaustible. The main thing is to buy a present, not fake oil and regularly use it, causing at least once a week.

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