Hair Growth Mask with Honey

Hair Growth Mask with Honey

Long, well-groomed hair adorned woman at all times. This is an attribute of tenderness, sensitivity, romanticity and desalcy. Long hair is suitable for all fair sex representatives, regardless of age, status and social status. If you have lost hope to become the owner of long flowing curls - try proven folk remedies based on natural honey. Honey not only positively affects hair growth, it restores damaged horny flakes, regulates the work of the sebaceous glands, eliminating fat, contributes to improving the structure of the hair and prevents them out.

Classic mask

In addition to liquid, natural honey for the preparation of this mask, you will not need any additional ingredients:

  • Prepare a bowl with honey (2-4 dessert spoons depending on the length of the hair).
  • Heat honey by placing a bowl in a container with warm water.
  • Wash your hair, blot with a towel and apply heated honey.
  • Pass the scalp, rub the mask so that honey is easier to penetrate the hair roots.
  • Wrap your hair with any film or put on a special hat.
  • After 30 minutes, rinse the hair with a detergent.

Honey bow

Onions is an excellent addition for the classic honey mask. It not only contributes to the growth of hair, but also struggles with the problem of their loss:

  • Prepare a bowl with heated honey (as described in a classic recipe).
  • Sutitate a large bulb on a grater.
  • With the help of gauze, press the bowl of the bow into the bowl with honey.
  • Next, follow the recommendations for applying a mask from the previous recipe.

In order for the smell of onions to you not bothered, press the juice of one lemon in a basin with warm water and rinse the hair with this composition.

Mask from honey, egg yolk and rapid oil

Features of cooking:

  • Heat honey in a deep bowl (see Classic Recipe).
  • Take a chicken egg, separate the yolks from the protein.
  • Connect the heated honey with the yolk, mix the wedge or fork.
  • Add a spoonful of the rapid oil.
  • Next, follow the recommendations for applying a mask from a classic recipe.

MEDA and Cinnamon Mask

Cinnamona contains many hair beneficiaries and trace elements, it helps to improve blood circulation of the scalp, thereby affecting hair growth:

  • Heat honey in a deep bowl (see Classic Recipe).
  • Add a spoonful of chopped cinnamon.
  • Stir the composition to a homogeneous mass.
  • Apply a mask according to the method of a classic recipe.

MED and Dark Beer Mask

The main composition of beer is hops, malt and yeast. Even thanks to this three components, your hair will become healthier, strong and shiny. The beer also contains vitamins of group B and C, trace elements that improve the condition of the scalp and promote hair growth. Preparation Instructions:

  • Honey warm up in a deep bowl (see Classic Recipe).
  • Add a glass of dark beer. Stir. The mixture should not get liquid.
  • Apply a mask according to the method of a classic recipe.

If you have blonde hair, it is not recommended to use dark beer. It will give the hair shade. Replace the dark beer into the bright, it is not so rich by trace elements, but also well affects hair growth.

The article contains simple and effective honey-based masks. Each of them not only increases hair growth, but also has a positive effect on their structure and appearance. Choose the mask that seems to you the most suitable. Apply it 2 times a week at least a couple of months. Do not quit, go to the end! The result will justify your expectations: the hair will become longer, luxurious, get a healthy shine and silkiness. Do not be afraid to combine ingredients from different masks, oriented to intuition, experiment. Let the hair care becomes pleasure.

Comments leave a comment
Tanya 22/01/2020 at 16:59

More like melting mask Horsa Fors. All the same extract from pepper is more effective for hair growth. And there are still components in it that moisturize and nourish hair

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