Hair, like the skin, need constant care. Dear professional procedures will probably make them beautiful and healthy. But not every woman has the opportunity to use the services of beauty salons. The recipes for hair commercials will come to the rescue. Today we will tell you how to care for hair with the help of ordinary glycerin.
What is glycerin
Glycerin is a viscous liquid, which is obtained by special chemical treatment of a mixture of vegetable and animal fats. As a result, it turns out a peculiar useful water-soluble extract, which has moisturizing and softening properties. Glycerin is widely used in cosmetology - it is part of almost all creams and shampoos.
Hair Glycerin
Glycerin is two species: medical and technical. To use it, only one that is sold in pharmacies should be used as a home cosmetics. Such a purified preparation will make your hair smooth and obedient. As a consequence of deep moistening, the hair will not sneeze and thread. Glycerin has a positive effect on the skin of the head: dandruff disappear and hair bulbs are stimulated. The latter helps the hair grow faster and be strong.
How to use glycerin on hair
No matter how much glycerin is useful, it is necessary to use it rather neatly. Glycerin is quite active from the point of view of chemistry by the drug, so in the mask it should add only the quantity that is indicated in a particular recipe. More than its amount may instead of benefit even bring harm. To make masks with glycerin, it is necessary to follow the following rules:
- Glycerin before mixing with other components need to be slightly able to warm - this can be done by holding a bubble in a bowl with warm water or having swaying it between the palms;
- If the mask includes other thick ingredients (a variety of oils or honey), they should also be heated - this will provide more uniform mixing without the formation of unnecessary lumps.
- Glycerin in any mask add to the last turn and mix very thoroughly.
- Apply masks for pre-washed and slightly dried hair.
- It is necessary to apply the mask first on the roots of the hair, and then distribute it along the entire length with a frequent ridge.
- After applying the mask on the hair, the polyethylene cap for the soul, and look at the top with a terry towel.
- Keep any mask for at least 30 minutes if other time is not specified in the recipe.
- A mask must be flucked off with hair with warm water without shampoo.
- Frequency of applying masks with glycerin on hair - 1 or 2 times a week.
Hair masks
Glycerin is used in masks applied on hair at home. In terms of its action, they can be completely different:
- Moisturizing mask. Take: flesh avocado - 1 tbsp. l., honey - 2 tbsp. l., Castor oil is 1 tsp, olive oil - 1 tsp., Glycerin - 1 tbsp. l. The mask is preparing in such a way that the pulp of banana and avocado are mixed first, and then all the ingredients heated in the water bath are added to them.
- Nutritional mask. In the water bath herald 2 tbsp. l. Honey and 1 tsp. Glycerin. Mix two components, gradually adding 2 tbsp. l juice juice. Last queue, pour 1 tsp. Glycerin.
- Hair Growth Mask. Take one egg and take it with castor oil - 2.5 tbsp. l. Add 20 ml of liquid honey and 10 ml of lemon juice. Lastly, pour 10 ml of glycerol and stir thoroughly thoroughly.
- Mask from split tips. Take one egg yolk and thoroughly take it with a fork. Mix the watering emulsion with burdock oil (30 ml) and apple vinegar (1 tsp.). Before applying the mask on the hair, add 10 ml of glycerol.
- Mask to eliminate hair fatty. Take 2 tbsp. l. Alcohol and add 2 egg yolk yolk to him - beat. The alcohol is allowed to replace with vodka, but then increase the amount of alcohol smoothly twice. In the resulting mass pour two tablespoons of glycerin. Mask it needs to be done no more than once a week to exclude a strong drying of the scalp.
- Hair shiny hair mask. One whole egg to take care with 30 ml of castor oil, and then add 10 ml of glycerol. Mix the mixture thoroughly and pour 1/2 h. L. ordinary table vinegar.
- Hair lightening mask. Natural blondes can use this recipe, who for one reason or another, the hair has become yellowish. To refresh natural color, the mask must be applied to the hair at least 3 times a week and do it within 1-2 months. The mask is done by mixing the leaky beam dry chamomile (2 art. L. Per 500 ml of boiling water - insist 3 hours) and 60 ml of glycerol. On the hair mass to keep 40-45 minutes.
Take yourself a rule to keep the glycerin bottle at home aid kit. He take care not only about your hair, but also about the skin of the face, hands and the whole body. How to use it in these cases, read in our articles: "Glycerin from wrinkles", "How to make a face cream", "Anti-aging masks for hands: recipes", "How to remove natopdati on the legs". Be pretty and well maintained using quite affordable tools, such as glycerin.