Anti-aging hand masks: recipes

Anti-aging hand masks: recipes

How do you want to touch your hand was soft and velvety, and the skin remains supple and healthy for a long time. Hands are most affected by the impact of household detergents means negative externalities, as a consequence of the skin coarsens, cracks, dry. Prepare a rejuvenating hand masks at home just as well to be effective, they should be applied for 20-25 minutes, use within 5-7 days. Consider the most popular and effective mask.

Honey mask

The benefits of honey is undeniable, and it often occurs as part of various cosmetic products. Thanks to the active components of the mask to its content quickly remove dry skin, irritation, a beneficial effect on the condition of nails. Based on honey, you can cook more than one mask, so their recipes:

Option number 1

  • 1 teaspoon glycerin;
  • 2 teaspoons of water;
  • . 1 hour of honey;
  • 1 h. Spoon flour.

Option 2

  • One raw egg yolk;
  • . 1 hour of honey;
  • 2-3 drops of olive or vegetable oil;
  • 2-3 drops of lemon juice.

Variant № 3

  • . 1 hour of honey;
  • 1 teaspoon fat sour cream.;
  • 1 egg yolk.

The mask has an instantaneous tightening effect.

Fruit and vegetable masks

Rich in natural vitamins and minerals, fruits and vegetables will help you relieve fatigue of hands, make them healthier and more attractive.

Potato mask

Boil the potatoes and mash with milk. Apply lukewarm mashed potatoes in his hands and wear gloves. This mask is good if it is done during the week, every day.

Cucumber and watermelon mask

To prepare this mask, take in equal proportions pulp cucumber and watermelon.

peach mask

This mask is ideal for fading skin of the hands. For its preparation using a peach flesh and teaspoon starch.

pear mask

Pears masks contribute to rapid regeneration of the skin, healing small cracks, serve as prevention of skin aging. Take any pear, grind it and apply on the skin of the hands.

Strawberry mask

For her preparation, several berries of ripe strawberries are squeezed with sour cream. Apply a ready mask for 20 minutes, and then rinse with cool water.

Mask for very dry hands

If you did not have the opportunity to care and moisturize the skin of the hands, and "Chickey" appeared on it, then you will help you make a bread mask. Heat 3 tablespoons of milk, add white bread crumb and stir up to get a thick casher. Massifying movements apply a mask on the hands, after 20 minutes, wash it up and smear the hands with moisturizing cream or olive oil.


Mask application rules

To bring masks to bring the greatest benefit, follow the following rules:

  • apply a mask on clean and dry hands;
  • fruit and vegetable masks are not subject to storage, after using residues should be thrown out;
  • use the masks before bed, if possible 3-4 times a week;
  • to enhance the effect on the lubricated hands, the mask is put on special cotton gloves;
  • after using masks, handle your hands with nutritional creams.

Masks for hands are convenient to cook from products for the season, adding new components into the composition of masks. Beautiful and well-groomed hands - the subject of pride and a sign of good health!

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