Hand masks at home

Hand masks at home

Very often, women's hands are much more give out of her true age than face. And all because the daily care of the skin of the face for most ladies is in the habit, but hand care is usually reduced only to a banal manicure and cream. But the delicate skin of female handles suffers not only from inexorably time, but also from constant homework, which they are communicated. How to protect and refresh the skin of hands at home with homemade masks - we will tell in the article.

Hand mask with avocado

Avocado mask will help to get rid of dryness and peeling in the hands. This overseas fruit in large quantities contains vitamin A, which is indispensable to accelerate the process of skin regeneration, as well as rich in antioxidants that prevent aging.

Required ingredients:

  • 1 small ripe avocado;
  • 3 tablespoons of natural yogurt without additives;
  • 2 tablespoons of liquid natural honey.

The fruit is cutting in half, take a bone and clean from the peel. We knew the pulp to the fork in a small question to the state of the puree, add honey and yogurt. We are evenly applied to the mass on the hands and turn them with their food film, keep 20-30 minutes, after which we are cleaned with warm water.

Glycerin Mask

Masks with the content of glycerin intensively moisturize the skin and create an imperceptive film on it, helps protect his hands from irritation. For this reason, glycerin is part of almost all creams for hands and even detergents for dishes. His healing properties allow you to very quickly soften and smooth out the coarse skin.


  • 2 teaspoons of glycerin;
  • 1 teaspoon of liquid honey;
  • 1 teaspoon of corn starch (can be replaced by potatoes);
  • 3 teaspoons of boiled or mineral water.

All components are stirred to uniformity and apply a uniform layer on the washed hands. Over we put cotton gloves and leave for 30-40 minutes.

Nutrient Yellow Mask for Hands

Such a mask is very useful for hands on which the first signs of aging began to appear. It actively nourishes the skin and smoothes wrinkles.


  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 1 tablespoon of honey;
  • 1 teaspoon of oatmeal.

All ingredients mix up to a homogeneous state. The mixture thoroughly rub into hand and leave all night. At the same time, be sure to use tissue gloves. In the morning my hands with warm water or wipe the wet cloth.


Paraffin hand mask

For a home paraffin mask, about 500 g of cosmetic paraffin with low melting point is not higher than 46 degrees.

The procedure for conducting paraffin therapy hand:

  • Paraffin smell in a convenient container on a steam bath.
  • Clean your hands with the help of a scrub, then we richly lubricate the cream.
  • Each hand with estimated fingers omit in the paraffin bath three times so that a thick paraffin glove formed on it.
  • Further assistance will need, because plastic bags should be put on the hands in the paraffin and to bunch on top of a towel.

The procedure lasts 20-30 minutes. When the hands stop feeling warm, paraffin remove and throw away. It is impossible to use it.

Parainova mask

Hand masks need to do at least once a week. In the cold season, it is recommended to pass a peculiar course of 5-10 masks in a row every day, and then in the usual mode to carry out the resulting effect of the procedure. With such a careful care, the hands will always look beautiful and young and never give the real age of their mistress.

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