Paraffin feet for feet at home

Paraffin feet for feet at home

Women's legs should always remain admiration. Paraffin baths help to keep legs in excellent condition, possess anti-stress and relaxing properties.

Select paraffin

For the baths, take care of cosmetic paraffin, look for it in pharmacies. It is carefully cleaned, saturated with trace elements, useful for skin cover. The remedy is made on honey, oil, vegetable and fruit basis. It has a positive effect on his feet: removes signs of wilting, moisturizes and recovery. You can choose a means depending on the purpose of the procedure and the characteristics of the body. The skin is treated with a tocopherol or an exhaust of tea roses. The feeding properties has paraffin with citrus supplements. For the revival of the skin, take a chocolate product. If you have an inflammatory process or you are allergic, use paraffin based on peach oil.

Number of paraffin

For the procedure, buy 2-3 kg of paraffin. After 25-30 sessions it is necessary to buy a new tool. A week is recommended to conduct no more than 2 baths. When changing paraffin capacities, soothed.

Baths for procedures

A special device for paraffin is sold in pharmacies. Paraffin in such a device melts 3 hours, during the procedure the device is turned off from electricity. The product is equipped with means for measuring temperature. If necessary, the device can be included to heal the substance. Any wide enameled dishes are also suitable for the procedure.

Preparation of legs and paraffin

leg waxing spend the night before going to sleep better. Melt material to a liquid state. It is possible to use a special tray or the electric water bath. Boil water in a pan. Top, set a colander and a second pan with ingredient. Do not let water get into the substance. The optimum temperature of the heated wax - 43-45 degrees. While the substance melts, prepare the session feet. feet clear of dead skin, calloused and dry fabrics. Wash your feet and dry with a towel. Lubricate the problem areas of a cream that softens and moisturizes the skin and will not allow the wax to adhere to it. Touch wrist to paraffin. In the absence of unpleasant sensations start session.

The method of "layering"

The technique involves the application of the wax on the skin with a brush. The layer of material may be up to 2 cm. The method is used for wrapping "parafango" which is used to combat cellulite

The method of "immersion"

Dip your feet in the wax and hold no more than 10 seconds. On the limbs must be formed a thin crust of wax. Remove the legs and ten seconds again dip. Repeat the procedure 5 times.


Wrap the legs with cellophane and put woolen socks. Keep your feet warm for 30 minutes, then remove the paraffin. Means remove from the ankle to the toes. Lubricate the skin moisturizer. After the event, do not load the legs, they should be in a relaxed state.

Salfetno-completed application technique

The method is based on the use of paraffin in two containers heated to different temperatures - 55 and 60 degrees. Initially, the legs, apply wax brush with a temperature of 55 degrees. Dip gauze in paraffin at 60 degrees and fold over the first layer. Cover the legs warm blanket.


Initialling has contraindications, therefore before using consult your doctor. Do not take baths, for example, with high blood pressure.


The effect of the initialing can be seen after the first treatment. The skin becomes soft and pleasant to the touch, and in the legs will feel easy.

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