How to get rid of the smell of legs at home

How to get rid of the smell of legs at home

Increased sweating and unpleasant smell of legs - very frequent phenomenon. Men and women, and even small children are faced with such a problem. The main reason for the unpleasant smell of the legs is excessive sweating. However, the unpleasant smell forms not sweat itself, but bacteria living on the feet.

Causes of unpleasant smell

To get rid of the unpleasant smell of legs, you first need to learn and neutralize the reasons for its appearance.

  • Not compliance with personal hygiene rules. Wash your feet every day. And not only quickly rinse legs with soap, and soy is carefully using a washcloth, a brush or pumice.
  • Poor-quality shoes. When choosing shoes, always pay attention to its material. Shoes from cheap material do not provide sufficient ventilation of the skin of the legs.
  • Insufficient footwear care. Shoes must be periodically washed and dried. Bare in advance by several pairs of shoes to change and wash them more often. Before you wear shoes, make sure that the shoes are completely dried, in a wet environment, the bacteria are quickly multiplied.
  • Fungus on the legs. This disease disrupts the water and salt balance of the skin, from this and unpleasant odor. To get rid of the smell of the legs, you must first cure the fungus.

Get rid of the unpleasant smell of legs at home

Nowadays, there is a huge amount of diverse tools from unpleasant smell. But it is not necessary to acquire funds that are expensive. An unpleasant smell of feet can be removed and using conventional remedies.

  • The use of soda is one of the popular ways to eliminate odor. Dilute 1 tbsp. A spoonful of soda in a liter of warm water and hold legs in it for 20 minutes. You can also just wipe the soda legs or sprinkle to her shoes.
  • Starch perfectly absorbs moisture and does not give to appear the smell. Apply starch on dry and clean legs and then you can immediately wear socks and shoes.
  • There are special insoles for shoes from natural material that allow the skin to breathe well. Using them, you can prevent the appearance of an unpleasant smell of legs.
  • Natural fresheners for shoes, such as carnation flowers, lavender, cedar wood will help neutralize an unpleasant smell. Lower fresheners in shoes and leave them for the night.
  • Change socks more often. Prefer cotton, wool or acrylic socks. Synthetic provokes sweating and does not give the legs to "breathe".
  • The fungus on the legs can be cured using the usual sour cream. Every day, before going to bed, apply sour cream at the foot and after half an hour, rush it with warm water. Doing the procedure you need to completely disappear the fungus. Sour cream can be replaced by other lactic products with high fatty. With deliverance, the fungus will disappear and an unpleasant smell.

Get rid of the unpleasant smell of legs will help foot baths

Foot baths not only get rid of the unpleasant odor, but also tone, moisturized and calm the skin of the legs. You need to do them at least once a week.

  • Bath with tea mushroom. On 1 liter of boiled water, add a couple of tablespoons of a tea mushroom. Use the solution both for washing and for a lotion.
  • Infusion of herbs (chamomile, sage, green tea or rosehip). For the preparation of the bath, fill out a few tablespoons of grass 1 liter of boiled water and give it. Keep your feet in the infusion for 30 minutes.
  • Bath with vinegar. The ordinary 9% vinegar is suitable. At 4 liters of water, add 1 cup of vinegar. Keep your feet in half an hour cooked solution. If you add a few drops of any essential oil in the bath, your skin's skin becomes soft and moistened.
  • Bath with tea. 2 bags or 1 tablespoon of black tea pour 1 liter of hot water. Let break for 10 minutes. Lower the legs in the infusion for half an hour.
  • Bath with salt - 2 Salt glass on 5 liters of hot water. But you should not apply such a bath if there are wounds and ulcers on the skin. After taking the bath, do not wipe the legs with a towel, let the legs dry yourself.
  • Infusion of oak bark. Fill 2 tbsp. l. Oak bark 1 liter of hot water, leave for 20 minutes, then add infusion in the bath. Take the procedure for 10 minutes.

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Lesha 05/13/2019 at 11:58.

This is a clear sign of the fungus, I also had, only also the cracks began to appear probably due to the fact that I didn't treat a vinegar for a long time on the advice with a vinegar and lubricated after Mizoz gel, thanks to which I won the fungus and now careful about health feet)

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