How to get rid of nail fungus

How to get rid of nail fungus

Onychomicosis, he is a nail fungus, is an infectious disease. The people of the older age group are susceptible to him, which is due to the slowdown in the growth of the nail plate and the trophic violation of the nail bed, as well as the frequently visiting public health sites, such as the bath, swimming pool, gym. The likelihood of disease is increasingly increasing, close shoes. It may be a concomitant diagnosis in venous insufficiency, immunodeficiency state, obesity. Get rid of it is quite difficult, but still possible. To reduce recovery period, it is recommended to use comprehensive therapy in the fight against this unpleasant ailment.

Twice a day, lubricate the affected areas with iodine. If you feel unpleasant sensations, reduce the use of this tool, and if missing - do the procedure for three weeks. Try such a recipe: Moisten a cotton disk in 20% of the propolis tincture, attach to the patient, repeat about two weeks daily. Or attach to the affected nail compress from the tea mushroom, clog by cellophane or food and dress the woolen sock, and rinse the cool water in the morning. Conduct at least five such procedures. Also, you can make a bath for legs before going to bed and soar them fifteen minutes, then briefly dip in the vinegar wine and, without wiping, dress warm socks. Or prepare a warm solution at the rate of the calculation - on one tablespoon of soda and salt, snapped by 300 ml of water, keep the affected nails in it about half an hour. Make just once a day before the fungus disappear.

Prepare for the treatment of fungus special paste. To do this, take the usual soda and dilute it with water to the consistency of the porridge, then apply a mixture to the affected sections of the nail, squeeze a few drops of juice from lemon from above. Five to seven minutes, rinse with water with soap. You can use such a recipe: in equal proportions, mix the butter creamy and pre-crushed garlic, apply a lot of nails, try to launch, do it every day. If, because of the fungus you suffer from itching, lower the palms or feet with nails for thirty minutes into tomato juice, and then rinse with warm water. An unpleasant feeling will help to overcome and baths from brewed hard natural coffee. Welcome it a bit and immerse your fingers for fifteen to twenty minutes.

Tomato juice

Make such a procedure twice a day no less than a week: Fill two tablespoons of a glass of boiling water, insist the hour, strain, then moose in the liquid gauze and impose on your fingers, hold half an hour. It will help to get rid of the fungus and such a recipe: take a liter of water on a tablespoon of cleanliness, calendula, lilac flowers and two spoons of oak bark, in the infusion of wooden hands or feet for ten minutes, better three times in a week. It is recommended for the treatment of this infection to use tea tree oil. Just rub it into the affected area twice a day, you can mix with olive oil. For the same applied orange, only check if you are allergic to it. Try it and such a means: 100 ml of apple vinegar Divide the same amount of warm water, lower your fingers into the solution half an hour, and then rinse with running water. This procedure can be done daily.

Apple vinegar

You can use antibacterial rinse for mouth to get rid of the fungus, since it has antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Every day, hold in it for fifteen minutes finger with affected nail. Try before going to a sore place to apply a menthol ointment and wear a sock or a mittens, watch the nail before applying was dry. Or a little warm lavender oil, moisten a cotton swab and apply to the nails for five minutes. The same properties have oregano oil, put it several times a day. If we talk about treating medication, experts recommend using itraconazole, terbinafin. Do not forget to apply anti-grab varnish, for example, foam. Try both a microsyl, lescerel, pimafucine, ketonazole.


If no funds help you, think about the use of photodynamic or laser therapy. But frequent relapses can be indicated to resort to the surgical method.

Comments leave a comment
Irina 06/24/2016 at 22:58.

A lot of useful information found on the site I am sure that you will find something for effective treatment of fungus.

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Lily 09/09/2016 at 16:01

The compress of garlic you will need: garlic crushed 1 tbsp. Spoon Creamy oil 1 tbsp. The spoon is known, garlic is an antiviral product. It is also useful for those who suffer from nail fungus. Split a few garlic heads so that 1 tablespoon is obtained as a result. Add 1 tablespoon of butter. Stir the mass and apply on the affected nails. Then tie the bandage or gauze. Keep this compress you need 30 minutes.

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