Natoptyshs occur, as a rule, due to uncomfortable or close shoes, strain deformations, too thin soles or high heel, inappropriate, pantyhose or socks. More exposed to them people suffering from flatfoot. It is quite difficult to notice the very beginning of their formation, the pain occurs and amplifies when they grow in size and penetrate all deeper. But there are a variety of ways and methods to combat this unpleasant phenomenon. Folk ways of getting rid of natopes, which occupy not as much time and are quite accessible are very effective.
The simplest and most famous method is the preparation of footbaths with various components. For example, such a recipe: we take 3 teaspoons of food soda and the same amount of economic soap, pre-unproved. Dissolve in liter boiling water, let me cool and lower the legs for half an hour. You can add a bit of ammonia. Or such: shelted oats in the husk pour into a basin or a footbath, pour hot water, give a little labeled and parim the feet of minutes forty. Suitable for sprinkling and sea salt, which you need to add grams to a hundred, time of procedures - twenty minutes. It is very effective and sour milk that you need to warm up. Feet wooden in it no more than half an hour.
For the regeneration of skin tissues, such a decoction is very useful: in equal parts to take a chamber, daisy flowers, sage, mint, nettle (two tablespoons), brew cool boiling water with several liters and give a little cool, then have a fear for an hour. You need to repeat the procedure twice a week. And from the Hypericum, calendula and Tui you can make a tincture that is recommended to take seven days in a row. You should take a teaspoon with a slide of these herbs and add to half liters of hot water, let it boil a minute. Cool and drink during the day before meals. It will not be superfluous to rub the natopshaws cut out of fresh garlic slices before bedtime. In pharmacies, corn plasters are sold, as well as ready-made creams, for example, leakage. These keratolic tools must be rubbed overnight, and wash off in the morning. In their compositions, they contain grazing extracts and salicylic acid.
Not less effective and varied compresses and bulls. Here is the easiest: finely chopping several bulbs and put a lot of polyethylene bags, and put the feet there. Hold two to three hours. You can replace onions on tomatoes or tomato paste, or combine them. In addition to getting rid of the hopes, these ingredients are struggling with high sweating and smell. You can, 150-200 grams of prunes to boil in milk (15 minutes), to stretch to a porridge state, then apply the resulting mass on the necessary places, leave overnight. Well helps aloe. It is necessary to take his sheet, cut along and attach the pulp to the natopes. Fix the bandage and hold about three hours.
Such a recipe is suitable: we take one tablespoon of sunflower oil and apple vinegar, add one egg, mix thoroughly. The resulting mixture must be applied to the natopeshi, apply gauze, wear socks and, if you wish to leave for the night. Or you can mix yolks with a teaspoon of lemon juice and a tablespoon of potato starch. Apply to boated feet. It is necessary to wash off after frozen. Tablets will be useful: chop four pieces of analgin and aspirin, add 50 ml of iodine. Insist no less than a day. Lubricate Natopeshi is recommended as needed. Such mixtures are good: in proportions 1: 1 we take glycerin and ammonia alcohol, or castor oil and glycerin. And we rub in the coarse skin, better before bedtime. After any procedures, it is worth considering the softened skin pima.
If people do not help, should be resorted to help to specialists, especially if there is a spike in a natopsy. Less radical are laser removal and cryodestruction. Also, it will not be superfluous.
From Natoptysh I use loose. A good medicinal product that helps to remove unnecessary layers and does well moisturize and softens the skin. Well, for prevention I try to wear shoes not only beautiful, but also comfortable.
From Natoptysh I use loose. A good medicinal product that helps to remove unnecessary layers and does well moisturize and softens the skin. Well, for prevention I try to wear shoes not only beautiful, but also comfortable.