How to get rid of dry corns on the fingers

How to get rid of dry corns on the fingers

It was hard to walk in slippers, and when inspected on the fingers, small dense educations are visible, rough and painful to the touch? Most likely, this is dry corn, which formed due to the constant friction of the skin.

Maze formations appear if we have been too narrowing for a long time or vice versa, spacious shoes. Women suffer from this disease because of the addiction to high-heeled shoes, narrow ballets, fashionable tight lacing on dies and sneakers.

Symptoms and causes of dry corns on the fingers

Learn dry corn is quite simple. It has a yellowish color, rough surface, oval or round shape. Around the holochy, the skin swells, whines when pressed and walking. The disease is manifested if you:

  • wear shoes with synthetic socks;
  • dancing, gymnastics, running;
  • have a lot of weight, increased foot sweating;
  • we suffer from a disease of the gastrointestinal tract, high sugar, poor blood circulation.

The inflammatory process can be complicated by a bacterial infection, so it is necessary to treat sore thumbs and carefully.

Photo 1.

How to get rid of dry corns at home

To remove corn, it is necessary to break it up to the softening state, then scrape with pimples, lubricate with fatty cream.

Softening baths

These simple water procedures will remove pain, burning, inflammation. A cooked hot solution is poured into a shallow basin or a bowl. Time - from 10 to 15 minutes. Course - two weeks.

  • Will in a glass of water on a spoon of calendula flowers, pizhms, yellow donings. After half an hour of sake, press, the decoction use for treatment.
  • Dissolve 25 gr. Sea salt in a glass of cucumber brine. Pour into a solution of juice of one bulb. Composition dilute with water to the required volume.
  • 150 ml of infusion of tea mushroom mix with 1.5 liters of warm mineral water.

Anti-inflammatory compresses

Summies on corn - the most affordable treatment method. Procedures do a daily for two weeks.

  • Sitting half the red bow and potatoes. Wrap the cassea in a rag, attach to rubbing. Time - 20 minutes.
  • Place the prunes, secure it with the plaster on the sore. After two hours, remove, wipe your finger with vodka.
  • Cut a piece of aloe in half. Attach the juicy side to the protrusion, cover with polyethylene, tap. Make a dressing for the night, in the morning crush the corn with a pail.
  • Skip the tomato through the meat grinder. Lump the juice, and put the pulp in the gauze napkin and tie to the flap. Top cloth with linen fabric. Leave for 1.5 hours.


Pharmacy drugs

Medicine in medicine from dry corns is much, we will tell about the most effective and inexpensive.

  • Plock with impregnation of salicylic acid, rosin and sulfur - Salipod, Compid, Urgo. Keep it on the finger two days, then change the new one. The thief is cleaned during the week.
  • Creams and ointments with glycolic acid, butter of mint, rice bran and vitamins. These components softened the burned layer, eliminate seals. The result is visible in 10 days.
  • Keratolithic gels with glycerin will make their fingers smooth after 4 days.

How to get rid of dry corns in a cosmetology

Fir all these recipes did not help you, use the services of doctors.

  • Cryotherapy is freezing with liquid nitrogen. After a week, the corn will disappear, without leaving after himself a trace.
  • LaserDestruction - outflow evaporation along with the inner root. Young skin will appear on day 5. Removal is made in one session.
  • Hardware pedicure. Sign up for dry pedicure in beauty salon. Ask the master so that it is shlifting the flawed stop, removed and dry skin tubercles on the fingers.

Photo 6.

It is best to prevent the formation of corns than spending money, time, nerves for their treatment. Buy and wear shoes in size, wash your legs before bedtime, use nutrient creams, go at least occasionally barefoot. Remember this by bringing your feet in order.

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Yana 12/09/2019 at 19:15

I do not go to cosmetology cabinets, I do not like to spend on what you can do and save time and money. Once also there were corn, from which I got rid of using loose. Now this ointment is constantly available as a means for the departure of stop, especially heels. It contributes to the removal of horns, you do not need to steer legs and pulling these layers applying efforts. In addition, ointment moisturizes and softens well, therefore corns and cracks do not appear.

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