How to get rid of hoptes on the feet

How to get rid of hoptes on the feet

High stud and a narrow sock on a female leg look spectacular and attractive. But the ladies themselves pay for this beauty to the health of their feet - by natopysh and corn, not to mention the pain and violation of blood circulation in the veins.
The reasons for the appearance of a holochy are also:
  • flatfoot;
  • hormonal failures;
  • overweight;
  • serious diseases of internal organs - heart, stomach, liver.

However, Natoptyshi in the early stages are treatable. Take about this and talk more.

Baths and pedicure at home from a holopal

At least once a week, indulge your legs with half-hour baths with such components:
  • marine or table salt;
  • crushed economic soap and soda;
  • infusion of chamomile, mint, Chebrets, cleanliness;
  • iodine and soda;
  • ammonic alcohol;
  • decoction of birch branches.

After water procedures, treat the feet with a different level of abrasiveness, paying particular attention to places with natopysh. Soften the skin with a special foot cream and make a pedicure.

Keratolithic means to remove a holopal

These are various creams and ointments that you can easily buy in pharmacies. Their main operating component is salicylic acid, which softens the coarse areas of the skin.
Thanks to natural extracts of medicinal herbs, such ointments and creams are gently care for the affected areas.
However, we note that keratolytic agents are not intended for daily use.

Plockers from Natopysh

Another available means for rapidly get rid of pain due to natopstysh are special pharmacy plasters. They are easy and firmly glued to the affected skin. But remember that the plaster must cover only the place with a hopper and not affect healthy skin. Otherwise, injuries are possible in the form of traces after the burn.
The plaster should be glued twice a day - in the morning and evening. After his removal rinse the legs with warm water and once a day, remove the dead layer of skin with pembia.

Special socks from holopal

Japanese manufacturers offered women a simple and pleasant way to treat a natopedy - special socks that are already impregnated with extracts of medicinal herbs and softening components.
It's enough socks to wear overnight to alleviate pain and soften the coarse skin. Repeat treatment procedure should be repeated for 5 days or while the traces of dry corn will not completely disappear.

Pencil from Natoptysh

Another type of easily accessible funds from Natopysh is special pencils. They are easy to carry with them even in the smallest lady's handbag.
If you bought new shoes and there are suspicions that it will rub you or put it, then you will definitely buy a pencil from a holopal. So you will protect your legs from the development of dry corn on the foot.
Remember that applying a pencil should only be on the skin exposed to pressure or friction.

Hardware Pedicure from Natopesh

Many ladies just love to regularly indulge their legs with a good pedicure in the cabin. So they prevent the development and growth of coarse dry corns and do not even know about such a problem.
If you missed the moment of formation of Natoptysh and he became you to annoy, visit the salon with good equipment for hardware pedicure. The master will painlessly survive with abrasive nozzles to you all hardened areas, including with old sodes.

Cryodestruction from Natopdysh

It is cryotherapy, or treatment with liquid nitrogen. The procedure is not the most pleasant from the point of view of pain. And the healing of the skin under Natoptysh will take place for several days, during which you should very carefully handle your legs and smallerly load them.
This procedure has one substantial plus - enough session is enough to remove all the copies from the feet without a trace.

Treatment with a laser seat with natopes

Who is not able to tolerate any pain when removing a hopted, this is suitable laser therapy.
The specialist will very accurately direct a laser beam on a sick plot that softens and easily removes pembia.
Advantages of laser and therapy:
  • no pain;
  • complete sterility and disinfection;
  • there is no need for special leg care after the procedure.

Surgical removal of Natopysh

When the flabbing plots on the feet became too hard, they cannot be eliminated at home or inside the rod is felt, it is time to consult to the doctor. It is possible, without surgical removal, such dry corn can not be removed.
The method is an unpleasant, but effective for the most launched diseases of the feet.

Preventive measures from Natopysh

If you know about the peculiarities of your gait, weight and diseases, as well as about the predisposition to the emergence of a hoping from wearing new shoes, then take care of the prevention. Use orthopedic insoles, hollowels and silicone overlays under the fingers.
These funds will remove your legs from the wrong load distribution during walking and formation of overuled areas on the feet.
Insoles and hollowels are good for closed shoes, and lining - for sandwichees, slippers.
The second method of prevention is the alternation of carrying shoes on the heel and ordinary ballet shoes, sneakers and similar models.

An unpleasant sealing on the feet in the form of dry corns delivers a lot of inconvenience and pain of the beautiful half of humanity. However, prevention and regular care for their legs will be removed from the Surgeon's knife and the laser beam.
Be healthy!

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Natalia 14/07/2020 at 22:55

After it began to use the ointment, which I buy in a pharmacy, Natoptyshi ceased to appear from me. Ointment not only contributes to the removal of all these layers, but also moisturizes great, so I never have cracks.

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