Corn on the sole of the foot, how to remove

Corn on the sole of the foot, how to remove

Often, girls, without thinking about the health of their feet, they wear high uncomfortable heel shoes every day, and then complain on corn on the feet. There are other reasons for the appearance of hopes: flatfoot, overweight, strong sweating of legs, circulatory disruption and stress. If you do not pay due attention to the treatment of corns, they can transform into a more serious education that causes severe pain when walking, - Natopysh with a solid rod. Then we will talk about the possible ways to combat Cozins.

Soap sodoy bathrooms

V hot water stir little soda and soap. By wishes can also add decoction romashki. for additional care and speedy healing. V flow 15 minutes space legs and carefully remove corn pembia. Maybe, with first applications not succeed fully get rid of from natoptysh, that's why follow do well homemade bath. After each procedures majm. corn fatty moisturizing cream.

Folk Recipes against Natopysh

Folk remedies will help in the fight against calls:

  • Apply to the patient, the prunes cooked in milk.
  • Bow helps perfectly. Make Cashitz from it, we put it on the gauze and fix the plaster on the site of Natoptysh. For complete cure from the rod corn, about 10 procedures may be required.
  • We put in the refrigerator several Aloe twigs for 2-3 days to obtain a sufficient amount of juice. We rub the corn every day before sleeping aloe extract.
  • We rub on a small grater average potatoes. I apply to the problem zone, we apply to the problem area, wrap the food film, wear a warm sock and leave this compress all night. In the morning wash off warm water.

Pharmacy means

The plaster containing salicylic acid is an excellent alternative to homemade recipes in the fight against Cozins:

  • Space your feet in a warm foot bath for 15 minutes. After that we wipe them dry.
  • We glue the patch so that the corn cap is right under the pad with a special impregnation.
  • Hold the plaster of 2 days and take it gently. If the corn is old, then there may be about four such procedures.

Serving corn

A cosmetologist with a special boron grinds the sick skin, while blood should not go. The method is suitable only for hopted without solid rod. The minus procedure lies in the fact that there is a possibility of repeated appearance of corn.


This method is applied if the natoptash is coarse or has a deep rod. The skin is processed using liquid nitrogen, and after a few days the corn completely disappears. Cryotherapy is advised only in emergency cases, since the procedure is accompanied by acute pain and the infection is possible.

Laser removal of Natopysh

This method is perhaps the best tool in the fight against the corneas. Just just one procedure for the complete destruction of the natoptysh, because the old damage is destroyed under the laser beam. Immediately after the session, you can actively move, on a damaged place, healthy skin appears in 3 days. Used local anesthesia, thanks to which you will not feel pain. But laser removal has a series of contraindications: oncology, diabetes and open wounds on the skin. This procedure is the most efficient, but also the most expensive.

To avoid the appearance of corns on the feet, it is responsible to approach the choice of shoes: do not wear high heels daily, give preference to mild shoes corresponding to the size and shape of the leg. We buy socks only from natural materials that allow the skin to breathe and reduce sweating. Also do not forget about regular pedicure, caring baths and use of Pumice. With proper care, you will forget about natopysh and be happy with gentle and healthy legs!

Comments leave a comment
Lyudmila 10/03/2020 at 0:18.

Quality shoes of course is not cheap, but for stop it is undoubtedly better. Now I do not appear corn, but I got rid of them with the help of loyalty. And in general, I use this ointment as it contributes to the elimination of extra layers, and the skin moisturizes well. So I have the right care and right shoes now.


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