Exfoliating socks for legs: True or myth

Exfoliating socks for legs: True or myth

Dry corn on the legs cause serious discomfort when walking. The feet begin to peel off, and the sole is unbearably hurting from itching. What save your feet? To optimally solve this problem at home, such a novelty has appeared, as the exfoliating socks for the legs, or they are also called the socks for a pedicure. Many have doubts about their effectiveness. Consider in more detail how they cope with their task.

In outline

Socks are in a small box. Opening it, we see at first glance two simple cellophane bag with liquid inside. The composition of this fluid can be diverse depending on which extracts and peeling tools are laid there. Among the extract additives there are such as mint, rose, lavender, apple, chamomile, ivy, lemon and others. And the basis of peeling uses special acids, which perfectly exfoliate oroging the skin of the stop. Along with the socks there are small scotch strips. They are needed for dense fixation of the socks on the legs. The size of the socks is large enough, they are universal for all without exception. There are no special contraindications to the procedure itself. It is not recommended to use only people prone to allergies and pregnant women. If there are any wounds or other diseases on your feet, it is worth noting.

How to use

Print the socks and gently cut the upper edge. Carefully follow in order not to shed liquid. My legs before the start of the procedure. We dress the socks and well fix the scotch. Top on them wearing ordinary socks. That's all, the cleansing process began. Keep your legs in socks to two hours, you can walk and do our own business at the same time. No unpleasant sensations, burning or itching should not be. At the end of the procedure, the legs rinse with water with soap, as well as to improve the effect, they can be lost by pembia. Such a cleansing should be repeated for several days in a row. The effect occurs from everyone in different ways. It all depends on the density of corns. Someone is enough for one or two procedures, and for someone will have to repeat the process for at least a week.

It's important to know

The exfoliation itself starts not immediately after the procedure, but in about two days. You need to be prepared for the fact that it will not be instantly able to clear the feet of peeling, and they will have an unimportant look about a week. Therefore, it is best to spend this procedure in the season when we go to closed shoes. When using socks, it is better not to plan hikes to the sauna or fitness center. It is worth excluding all the events where you have to demonstrate your feet for two weeks ahead. This is exactly what all lovers of skin cleansing legs like a similar means.

the effect

Of course, a week later, or two effect will be obvious. The feet will be soft, tender skin, young on appearance. Dry and corn will be disappeared, it will be much easier to walk. But if you compare your pedicure in cosmetic salons and this procedure of purification, it must be said that they have a number of differences. In the cabin, the beautician with the help of a special razor is capable of removing the thick of natopysh. Socks are removed the same smooth layer of skin, deep corn can not be completely removed. In this case, the effect occurs in the cabin immediately after the procedure, and in the case of socks, it takes a lot of time, almost up to two weeks. But a significant plus of cleaning with socks is that they perfectly remove the skin in the places that are removed for the razor, for example, between the fingers of the legs. According to pricing policies, they are a cheaper option compared to a pedicure in the cabin, and most importantly, it is not necessary to walk anywhere, everything happens at home.

Yeko Photo Studio Homemade Matted Foot Mint, Hands & Body

Now it became clear to us that they represent and how the exfoliating socks for legs work. It should be noted that this new invention is very useful for strengthening the health of the feet, the prevention and treatment of corns of the sole, convenient to its comfortable use. And let everyone choose himself than to use if you wish to have beautiful and young legs.

Comments leave a comment
Lisa 07/08/2015 at 14:47

It will be necessary and for yourself to buy, it is not always there is time to go to the pedicure!

Julia 31/10/2021 at 0:16.

I didn't like such socks, after them the skin slices and feet looked terribly. And then also wild dryness overhead. In general, such funds are not exactly for me. I prefer to use the ointment ointment on the basis of urea. It not only softens the soziness, after which they are removed without problems with pembia, but also moisturizes the skin, so it becomes soft and smooth from it.


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