Antibacterial soap: True or myth

Antibacterial soap: True or myth

The antibacterial soap differs from the usual the fact that it includes ingredients that not only kill bacteria, but later also control their growth. The usual soap washes off bacteria, but then they are again activated and re-formed in large quantities. Antibacterial soaps are most used in educational institutions, organizations and medical institutions. Scientists often argue about the useful action and the dangers of this tool. Let's consider the efficiency of using this product in detail.

Properties of antibacterial soap

This is a means for washing hands, as we talked above, kills bacteria, but not only harmful, and useful. What causes his negative impact. The active ingredients of soap - triclozan or triclocarban. The presented components have a wide range of action, they prevent the development of bacteria that cause intestinal infections, skin diseases, staphylococcus, salmonella, etc.

Side effects

In rare cases, the triclozan is able to cause allergies. As a result, contact dermatitis arises. Scientists do not recommend using soap every day, as there may be health problems. Namely, the triclozan negatively acts on the reduction of muscle fibers. Disrupts the liver, because of this, tumors appear and the cancer of this body develops. Such processes are peculiar if a person washes the whole body with antibacterial soap every day. Triklozan penetrates through the skin into the body, enters the blood and accumulates. Even, killing beneficial bacteria, this component deprives a person of natural protection, violates the immune system. If you apply an antibacterial soap very often, there is a danger of formation of harmful resistant strains. These are the bacteria that are resistant to triclozan. They have a negative impact on health.

Advantages and application

The main advantage of the antibacterial soap is that correctly flushing his hands to them, you do not pick up the infection that is transmitted by microorganisms. Therefore, they use:

  • in the period when a person is particularly susceptible to diseases, for example, such as influenza, ARVI;
  • if you need to rinse the abrasion, open wound;
  • to protect against certain skin pathologies;
  • when you are traveling, especially in exotic countries;
  • in polyclinics and other public institutions;
  • sometimes it can be used as a deodorizing agent to eliminate the smell of sweat.

Mask-from soap-foam

How to apply antibacterial soap

So that the antibacterial soap acts, it is necessary to apply it correctly. To do this, it takes no slower for two minutes. Antibacterial triclozan is able to start its "work" only after a certain time interval on the skin. Wash the soap foam is recommended for warm running water. This tool dries the skin, so in the cold season of the year, cosmetologists advise to apply moisturizing cream on the hands, naturally wave them with a towel.

Disagreements about the benefits of antibacterial soap

Many scientists due to the poorism of the action of the antibacterial components on a person are questioned by their use in this form of products. That is why they advise you to use ordinary soap at home.


Now after the information provided, you know when it is better to apply an antibacterial soap. In the remaining cases, the usual use is enough. The main thing is to know the norms of hygiene. Wash your hands before the meal, after the toilet, also after the street and contact with your pets.

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