Slimming vibrating massager: True or myth

Slimming vibrating massager: True or myth

Vibromassagers appeared on the market for a long time. According to information in advertising, it is possible to lose weight and remove cellulite. But is it really? In this article we will try to figure out, the vibrating massager for weight loss - the truth or myth.

Clean cellulite

It is worth noting that if you have a launched degree of cellulite, then no vibrating member will help you. Nutrition correction and fitness occupation is necessary. Orange peel is fat capsules that are under the skin due to improper nutrition and insufficient blood supply. Therefore, problem areas need to be massaged before the appearance of redness. But if you do not suffer over weight and cellulite is visible only when pressing, you can use the device in the complex with wraps. Such procedures will be enough to dissolve small pits and tubercles. But 3-4 degree of cellulite is not treated with light vibrations. You need to fight with him with special exercises.

Slimming vibrating massager: True or myth

Use of vibrator massager

If you are actively engaged in the hall, then this device will be able to reduce your suffering. At the initial stage of classes, you will feel the muscle attachment, the appearance of which contributes to lactic acid. It was the vibrating massager because of weak shocks and vibrations will be able to remove lactic acid from the muscles.

This machine is very useful to people with spinal diseases and osteochondrosis. Thanks to the vibration, you will be able to remove the accumulation of salt in the neck and lower back, which are the cause of osteochondrosis. After a strained work day and with long-term work at the computer, the roller massage will help remove muscle tension.

Slimming vibrating massager: True or myth

Burning fat

In fact, this is fiction. Remove excess fat deposits can only be providing a calorie deficit. This can be done with the power of correction, or seriously engaged in sports. Vibromasszher does not affect the amount of body fat, since it is not able to get it to go away from the body. Thus, to lose weight with the help of the device will not work.

Slimming vibrating massager: True or myth

pumping muscles

Can I build muscle Vibro? No, this can be done with the help of systematic training. Vibrating affects only the upper layers of the skin without affecting the muscles. In addition, he is not able to make them shrink. Respectively, standing at the machine for days, you do not get the desired result.

Slimming vibrating massager: True or myth

Return the tone of the skin

Vibrating improves blood flow in the upper layers of the skin, so over time its surface becomes smooth and supple. In addition, the skin after weight loss can hang with this problem copes roller belt Vibro. Therefore, just a few months you will be able to make the skin taut and elastic. Diminish stretch marks, cellulite and a little disorder.


It is worth noting that the use of such a device can not please everyone. Because of strong shaking may dislodge plaques that lead to irreversible consequences. It is advisable not to use a vibratory massage with varicose veins and kidney stones.

Slimming vibrating massager: True or myth

Use equipment as intended and do not trust advertising. Examine customer reviews and then purchase the device.

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