How to pull the skin of the belly

How to pull the skin of the belly

The dream of most women is a slim and tightened figure. For the sake of this purpose, a fair sex is coming to numerous tricks, suffer a variety of diet, painful procedures. When the desired result is achieved and the hated kilograms do not bother anymore, the girl can discover another problem - sagging skin on the stomach.

To eliminate this defect, start eating balanced: Eat in sufficient quantities of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, drink clean water more than two liters per day.


The contrasting souls perfectly affects the decaying skin, reinforcing the blood flow in problem areas. Thanks to such poultry, it becomes elastic, acquires a tone, is regenerated faster. After the procedure, it is desirable to make a massage with a rigid brush and lubricate the skin with a mixture of oils. Oil orange, basilica, ylang-ylang, cedar, and others, add a few drops of oil into the base of the base, have a tonic effect on the oil, check if you are allergic.

One of the most effective methods in the fight against the sagging belly - massage. You can use the services of professionals or conduct a course of procedures yourself. Just pass the stomach skipping movements, slightly raising it. Move clockwise and with each turn, pinch stronger until you achieve redness. Complete massage can be applied to the same mixture of oils as after a contrasting soul.


Watch out for posture, while walking your stomach. So you contribute to the formation of the correct muscle corset and pulling the problem areas.


Useful way to bring the abdominal muscles into tone is Bodiflex. This gymnastics due to the saturation of the organism oxygen contributes to the burning of fat, pulling up the flabby muscles and sagging the skin.


One of the most efficient ways to purchase a flat tummy - Sport. Stretching exercises and power exercises will allow the ideal figure as soon as possible to achieve an ideal figure and increasing the common tone of the body.


Use body scrubs and cream with pulling effect. It is possible to make them at home. For scrub, prepare a mixture of honey, coffee and several drops of orange oil, use it daily for 10 days, then make a weekly break and repeat the course. He exfoliates dead skin cells, enhances the blood flow, gives the skin elasticity. Very effective is the cream with the addition of mumina: 1 g mummy mix with pink oil and apply every day to a problem area (instead of rose oil you can use a children's cream).

The extreme method to tighten the skin of the belly is surgical intervention. In order not to bring it up to it, it's gradually. In most cases, the combination of these methods is very effective for creating an ideal figure.

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Luda 27/01/2018 at 16:55

After birth, the son from the belly began to write ugly. I understood that you need to do something about it. I was even during pregnancy advised capsules modelforms Slim Mom. Therefore, as the breast finished feeding, I bought them. It took more than six kilograms. It is important for me that weight is worth, not returning !! Yes, and somehow my health has been submitted, less nervous. And then what exactly did not expect - I began to sweat less. And then before this problem I prevented it over

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