Leather neckline how to care

Leather neckline how to care

To stay young and beautiful, the woman is very important not to forget to care for the zone of neckline, since according to the state of the skin on a given sensitive body of the body, you can almost accurately determine age. Therefore, in order to be able to wear open dresses and blouses, being older, you need a permanent skin care in the neckline zone, and it should be started as early as possible.

Some gymnastics

A small gymnastics for the neck and chin will not take much time. Doing the exercises just a few minutes a day, the result will not make yourself wait, and after a couple of months, the skin on the neck will be elastic and taped:

  1. From time to time, lift the chin up. It will help her neck longer look young and without wrinkles.
  2. Do the following exercise: A look right, and the lower jaw put forward a little forward, and then back. Repeat several times.
  3. Sleep if possible on a small pillow, so that the second chin does not appear.
  4. Applying a tonic on the face, treat them the zone of neckline and neck.


The zone massage neckline is as needed as gymnastics. The best option is to handle the skin with a cold jet of water. Such a procedure should be carried out more often. Direct the jet of cold water on the neck of the neck and the zone of the neckline, moving clockwise. Blood will begin to circulate better, and the skin will become elastic.


When choosing tools for skin care and neckline zone, it is better to stay on special, designed specifically for these parts of the body. To mask different skin problems apply the following methods:

  • When pimples appear, use the crumbly powder to hide defects, applying it with light movements in the bottom - up.
  • If the wrinkles are worried, apply a metal powder on the skin to align the surface.

Masks for zone neckline

The neck and zone, the neckline should be treated with the skin of the face with tonic and moisturizing cream. Do not neglect the masks made at home.

Sour cream mask from pigment spots


  • sour cream - 100 g;
  • yolk - 1 pc;
  • vodka - 1 teaspoon;
  • lemon juice.

Mix the sour cream and egg yolk, add vodka and a bit of lemon juice. Give mixtures 2 days in the refrigerator. Apply on the skin with light massaging movements.

Mask of cottage cheese for rejuvenation


  • cottage cheese - 2 tablespoons;
  • juice of 1/2 orange;
  • vegetable oil - 1 teaspoon.

Mix the ingredients to obtain a homogeneous mass. Apply a fine layer on the neckline area and cover the gauze. Hold 15 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.

Skin care after 30 years

With age, the skin of the neck and the zone decolte loses its elasticity. Depending on age, several important principles should be observed to maintain a beautiful appearance of the skin:

  • Women over 30 years old when choosing a moisturizing cream, you need to pay attention to the composition, there must be sunscreen filters. Less drink water for the night.
  • If you are more than 40 years old - a moisturizing cream for the neckline zone, select with the content of a group of vitamins A, B and C. Do not forget to make masks on a regular basis from natural vegetables and fruits.
  • If your age is more than 50 years old - do not use the means containing alcohol, since the skin can not be overwhelmed. As a mask, you can make compresses from a pre-frozen chamomile solution.

Thus, it is important to begin to take care of the skin of the neck and the zone decollete after 30 years, using specially selected moisturizing creams, making gymnastics and massage, not forgetting about masks on popular recipes.

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the Rose 10/25/2019 at 6:51.

Thanks for the useful recommendations! In addition to outdoor care, I can say that no less important and the internal ... I have noticed significant improvements in a sense of skin after it became on a regular basis coenzyme Q10 Evalarovsky (chose it, because the coconut is also Oil is, it helps assimilate) and collagen. The skin is much more tightened ... Although the masks of all sorts of different are now much less) So it means to care from the inside)


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