Masks for dry skin at home

Masks for dry skin at home

Dry skin leather requires constant care. There are many means to prevent inflammation, peeling and leather flabbing, but most effective are moisturizing masks. What are the varieties of masks for dry skin, we will look at further.

How to clean dry skin before applying masks

Proper cleansing of the skin of the face is the first thing to be remembered before applying the mask. Clear face can be gel or with steam compresses. Also a good means for cleansing inflamed skin are oatmeal. Their use will be like scrub for face:

  1. Wrap a little flakes in gauze.
  2. Moisten their mineral water.
  3. Wipe your face.

After cleaning the skin, we choose one of the following masks.

Mask on Smeal Hand

Mask recipes presented below are easy to prepare. You can find all the necessary ingredients in your kitchen. These masks eliminate dry skin and leveled the complexion:

  • Moisturizing oil mask. Heat vegetable oil. We take a piece of fabric or napkins and dip in warm oil. Put on my face for 20 minutes. Wash cotton swabs in warm water and remove the remnants of the mask with them.
  • Fast oat mask. We take the jem of oatmeal. Fill with a glass of hot milk. We wait until the mixture cools. We apply to the skin on the skin. We wash off after 5 minutes with warm water.
  • Aloe mask. To prepare the mask mix 5 grams of aloe juice, 5 grams of yolk and 25 grams of sour cream. We apply a mask with layers. First we wait until one layer gets up, then we apply the next one. Hold half an hour mask, wash off.

Sweet masks

What could be better natural vitamined masks, especially in the summer, when everything you need is at hand. Masks made of fresh fruits and berries saturate the skin with nutrients and increase its elasticity:

  • Summer mask. We take some watermelon juice or grape juice and a thin layer of wool. Wash your cotton juice and put on the face. We remove after 20 minutes.
  • Malinic mask. We take 100 grams of raspberries and 2 tbsp. l. milk. In the milk squeeze the juice from the raspberry. Jump gauze into the dairy mixture. We leave the mask on the face by a quarter of an hour.
  • Banana mask. Take a ripe banana and fright well. We mix the banana with 5 grams of milk. We apply a mixture for 20 minutes. Wash your cotton swab in milk or water and remove the mask.

Vegetable masks

Well moisturizes and neutralize the first signs of fading the skin mask from fresh vegetables. They will get rid of skin from excess pigmentation and prevent peeling:

  • Fresh cucumber mask. We rub the cucumber and mix the dining-spoon of the pulp with a teaspoon of milk. We put Kashitz on the face for 20 minutes.
  • Mask of potatoes. Cook potato mashed potatoes. Add some oil and cream to it or sour cream. We apply a warm mass on the skin. Keep 15 minutes.
  • Cuccachk mask. We take one zucchini and rub it on the grater. Put the pulp of the zucchini in the gauze. Apply on the face for 20 minutes.

Herbal masks

Masks from healing herbs will not only provide full moisturizing and nutrition, but also help get rid of damage and improve the complexion:

  • For masks are suitable herbs like mint, lime color, rosehip, chamomile. Grind herbs before the formation of flour. Fill with hot water and let it stand. Join the infusion in 5 minutes. We apply the remaining Cashitz on the face. Hold for 20 minutes.
  • Hunting mask with vitamins. We mix 5 grams of the Veroboy, a glass of water and 15 grams of olive oil. We add 10 drops of vitamin A and E. The mask is kept for 15 minutes.

Masks for dry skin do not require high time and money. And about their effectiveness you can judge even after the first use. Use the mask you like no more than 3 times a week to avoid allergic reactions. Complete the procedure for applying a cream.

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Kira 06/10/2019 at 18:09

The masks are, of course, well ... But only they are not enough. It is very important to comprehensively to solve the problem approach. I am still to moisturize the skin hyaluronic acid Evalarovskaya (I order a shop. Evallar, it's more convenient and cheaper) + I try to drink a lot of clean water throughout the day. All together and helps the skin moisturized to support))

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