Mask for dry hair at home

Mask for dry hair at home

Hair is very sensitive to any influence. Every day they suffer from means for laying, drying hairdryer and hot ironing. Masks made of natural ingredients will be returned to the hair of the former force. Thanks to the nutritional components, the hair will be filled with volume and shine health.

Rules for use of nutritional masks

Whatever useful properties have masks, you should be careful in their application. Some ingredients may cause an allergic reaction. And the long impact of masks on the hair can cause addictive. Adhere to the basic rules:

  • After applying the means, we put on your head a cap from polyethylene or cellophane package.
  • Top head cover with a towel.
  • Masks hold 30-60 minutes.
  • We wash the natural masks with warm water or herbal infusion.
  • Masks on an oil basis is better to rinse with shampoo.
  • It is enough to apply masks 1-2 times a week.

Recipes of miraculous masks

So that hair care is full, use folk remedies. Masks made of natural ingredients well moisturize and restore dry hair.

Mask on Smeal Hand

Useful masks can be prepared from healthy ingredients that are always in the kitchen:

  1. Mask with kefir. We mix 100 ml of kefir or sources with 5 g of any oil. Add 50 g of lemon juice. We rub the mask in the head and keep it for 30 minutes.
  2. Bread mask. Fill 200 g of crushed bread with three glasses of boiling water. Add 1-2 yolk. The mixture we rub in the head and keep 40 minutes.
  3. Lemon mask. Squeeze juice from lemon. We mix lemon juice and 150 ml of olive oil. We apply a mixture on your hair. After 30 minutes, wash off shampoo.
  4. Oatmeal mask. We grind oatmeal and pour them with boiling water. Add a couple of drops of rapid oil to Kashitz. We apply a warm mixture on the hair. Hold 30 minutes.
  5. Carrot mask. We rub carrots and add a little lemon juice. From above, we fall asleep 30 g of oat flakes. Thoroughly mix ingredients. We appreciate the hair on the hair for 30 minutes.
  6. Mask with mustard. We mix 60 g of mustard powder with 100 g of warm water. Add some rapid oil. We rub the mixture into the hair. Keep 40 minutes.
  7. Restoring mask. Mix 90 ml of repenter with 2 yolks. Add 20 ml of calendula tincture. The mixture is adjusted for 45 minutes.
  8. Yoghurt mask. We take 1 egg and 180 g of natural yogurt. Carefully mixed ingredients rubbing. We wash in 15 minutes.

More ingredients

Recipes with a large number of ingredients are no less effective than those described above. Components have a complex effect on dry scalp and brittle hair:

  1. Egg mask. We take one egg and 10 ml of vinegar. Add 10 ml of glycerol and 60 ml of castor oil. Mix everything thoroughly. We distribute the mask along the length of the hair. We leave for half an hour. Hell need to bite the warm towel.
  2. Honey mask. We take a spoon of any oil and mix with a yolk. We add to the mixture of 10 g of honey, henna and brandy. We mix the ingredients. We appline hair. Hold 30 minutes.
  3. Mask with mayonnaise. Fill out 500 g of fresh crushed nettle 400 ml of boiling water. We leave to appease, for 30 minutes. While preparing infusion, mix yolks with 25 g mayonnaise. Rust 10 g of honey and 2 finely chopped garlic slices. Mix the components. We rub the mask in the roots of the hair. After 60 minutes, wash the mask. Nasty from nettle rinse clean hair.


Regular use of nutritional masks will help the hair to recover. Their healthy shine and natural volume will become your business card.

Comments leave a comment
Lana 03/26/22021 at 20:48.

My advice to everyone to try at least for a while to forget about masks and serum and start leaning on collagen. Beef from Kholtsov and Studes is poorly absorbed, so I accept the courses Evalarov Sea. It is in a hydrolyzed, easily friendly form. I drink for 3 months. The hair stopped sneeze, they grow better, became more moistened. No outdoor care and not standing with it))

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