Beer Hair Yeast

Beer Hair Yeast

Hair for a long time was considered a source of power and a human health indicator. Girls with long dense hair look more feminine and attractive for the opposite sex. What to do if you do not have luxurious curls from nature? Didn't just build up? Vene necessarily. There are simple ways to achieve the desired effect. Beer yeast for hair - a wonderful way to make your dream.

Beer yeast can be used in the form of tablets (bids) and in the form of masks. In the first version it is better to consult a doctor, since there are a number of contraindications and features of joint use with other drugs. In addition, an experienced doctor can calculate the correct dosage of the drug for your case.

But the masks using beer yeast is an excellent means for feeding and strengthening your hair. For accelerated hair growth, a bulb-yeast mask is suitable. Take juice from 1 bulbs, mix from 1 tsp. Treasuries and diluted in water yeast. On 10 grams of the latter, there are 2 tbsp. l. Warm water. Stir up to the homogeneous mass, apply on the roots with massage movements, wrap with polyethylene and wait 40 minutes. Then rush warm water with shampoo. By the way, before trying on yourself any mask, apply its components on the skin of the brush from the inside and wait a bit. Some products may have an allergic effect on your skin.

Dry hair will enjoy a honey-yeast mask. For it, weigh 10 grams of beer yeast in 2 tbsp. l. Warm water, add 1 tsp. Honey and leave the mixture so that it is blown, until the first signs of fermentation appear. When you see that the mask is ready, apply it to your hair similarly to the previous way.


Beer yeast for hair will fit in the fight against dandruff. For this, the same 10 grams of yeast are divorced in 100 ml kefir, leave to fermentation, as in the previous version. The mask was washed in 30 minutes.

If you want to strengthen your hair, you will help the mask for thin weakened hair. She will return them to life, give them glitter and power after several applications. Fill 20 g yeast with warm milk and leave for 20 minutes. Next, add 1 tbsp into the resulting mass. l. Olive oil and egg yolk. Stir the mixture to a homogeneous state and apply for 50 minutes to your hair. Do not forget that after applying any mask, hair turns around with polyethylene.

And one more mask, however, a little extreme, out of the tincture of red pepper. Please note that it is impossible to disturb such a mask! The maximum time during which it can be kept on the hair - 25 minutes. First, tell the pepper tincture in the water in the ratio of 1: 1, then dug in 1 tbsp. l. The resulting mixture of 10 g of yeast. The resulting mixture must be checked on an allergic component.

Beer yeasts for hair are very good. To obtain a high-quality effect, you need to conduct a procedure course for 1 time 10 weeks in a row. Then take a break for several months and repeat again. The duration of treatment depends on the state of your hair. In any case, take patience. First results you will see after several times.

If the reduced recipes do not help, it is worth thinking about visiting the doctor. Perhaps your hair is not enough nutrients from food, and you need to rationalize your diet, possibly "disease" of the hair is a symptom of another disease. And maybe you just need to adjust blood circulation, in which case a banal massage will help.

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